This Shadow will not Endure by Rocky41_7

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Fanwork Notes

Just as a heads-up, both characters involved here have a penis, and Amarie does use hers to perform penetrative sex on Finrod. They are both very comfortable with this arrangement. I do believe fantasy gender confirmation surgery exists, Amarie just never felt the need for bottom surgery.

ANYWAY I'm hung up on Aman sexual reunions these days because there is so Much going on there...this takes place before the War of Wrath, when Finrod is still very isolated in his experience in Middle-earth.

I'm very committed to Amarie and Finrod having grown up as close friends and sort of flitted in and out of having crushes on each other, sometimes at the same time, sometimes not, until they finally got together as young adults.

In terms of age, I generally imagine Elves mature at roughly half the speed of Men until full adulthood, so a 10-year-old Elf will look and behave like a 5-year-old Man, to give frame to any age references below.

Fanwork Information


For the first time since Finrod’s rebirth in Aman, he and Amarie are intimate.

Major Characters: Amarië, Finrod Felagund

Major Relationships: Amarië/Finrod

Genre: Het, Hurt/Comfort, Romance


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Sexual Content (Graphic)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5, 596
Posted on 6 May 2023 Updated on 6 May 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on This Shadow will not Endure

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ahhh, this is such a perfectly sweet reunion for Finrod and Amarie. I love the idea that Finrod was rather rushed out of the Halls and does not have an easy time getting reacclimated to life. The vestiges of his harrowing death clinging to him here are so good.

This new first time for Finrod and Amarie was hot, with their care for each other mixing with the kind of horny urgency that I always love in sexual encounters.

Needy Finrod is best Finrod, I think:

Even so, he was writhing impatiently on the bed as subtly as he could manage by the time she got herself in position. (She knew him well enough to recognize both his impatience and when he was trying to hide it.)

I also loved the history you gave Finrod and Amarie; I think they work very well as childhood friends who turned into more.

"Did they?” Finrod asked, sounding sweetly, naively surprised.

lol, this is also a fantastic Finrod characterization; when you're beloved by (almost) everyone, even your girlfriend's parents very sensible disapproval will come as a surprise.

Thank you for sharing and providing the world with some much-needed reunion Finrod/Amarie.

Thank you!! I had a lot of fun writing this and finally getting to put some of my Amarie/Finrod thoughts on paper. So glad you enjoyed this characterization of Finrod--he's probably my fav, and he's also got a lot of fans, so this is a relief to hear XD He was SO used to being their darling future son-in-law who could do nothing wrong...still adjusting to being the one who ran off with kinslayers RIP