Fanworks Tagged with Amarië/Finrod

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Unchangeable by Artano

After re-embodiment, Finrod struggles to adjust to Valinor and pick up the threads of his old life

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Summer Celebration by between_thepages

Amarië and Finrod are dancing together during a celebration of summer.

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Sunwarmed by StarSpray

The more he thought about it the more he realized he was not quite missing the Tirion of his childhood, but Nargothrond at its height. His own city, that he’d planned and helped to build with his own two hands, where his friends among the dwarves had visited so often, and where he had earned his favorite epessë. No one in Valinor called him Felagund.

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Today I’ll Kiss You, Tomorrow I’ll Miss You by UnicornsInSpace

Finrod thinks about his and Amarië's relationship while they cuddle in a forest. She is a closeted trans woman.

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The Law of Attractive Nuisance by Rocky41_7

Amarie would appreciate Finrod being less of a distraction. At least he's willing to help fix the problem he caused.

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This is a Playlist fanwork

You Are My Sunshine by Rocky41_7

Amarie and Finrod, from paradise through tragedy to rebirth

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This Shadow will not Endure by Rocky41_7

For the first time since Finrod’s rebirth in Aman, he and Amarie are intimate.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Part 07: A Heady Fragrance of Honey by Eilinel's Ghost

That it was returned, he did not question. He could look back now and see everything arranged in its full image, he could trace the careful dance they both wound through this past year; every word, every silence, every touch ringing through with that steady truth. How had he been so blind?

Springtime has come to Estolad. Finrod is struck with a realization he has been avoiding and faces the decisions that lie in its wake.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Writings by cuarthol

Story/fiction writing prompts for the 30-Day Character Challenge.

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This is a Writing fanwork

A Promise by Rocky41_7

When they were very young, Amarie made a decision about Finarfin's eldest son.

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This is a Writing fanwork

She Whom He Had Loved by polutropos

Finrod's first kiss and what Amarië thinks about it.

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This is a Writing fanwork

nothing but time and a face that you lose by Chestnut_pod

It always hurts to lose a might-have-been. But here Amarië is.

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