Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Writings by cuarthol

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Story/fiction writing prompts for the 30-Day Character Challenge.

Major Characters: Aegnor, Amarië, Finarfin, Finrod Felagund

Major Relationships: Finarfin & Finrod, Amarië/Finrod

Genre: General

Challenges: 30-Day Character Study, Jubilee

Rating: General

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 7 Word Count: 2, 622
Posted on 16 January 2023 Updated on 9 February 2023

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

For day 3. Strong Points ...Write a scene in which your character really shines at something.

For day 8. The Mirror Cliché. Authors are often discouraged from describing their characters by having them look at their reflection in a mirror (or a pool, or a puddle, or whatever). For this one exercise, we want you to embrace the mirror cliché! Write a scene where your character sees their reflection. What do they see? What do they feel as they see it?

For Day 9. Weak Points. ...Write a scene in which their failings play a pivotal role.


This ficlet explores the possibility that Finrod was, perhaps, kind of a shit boyfriend.

For Day 15. Big Ideas, Part Two. Using one of the big ideas from Prompt 14, revise an existing fanwork so that this idea is more strongly emphasized or create a new fanwork that brings this idea to the center of the piece.

For Day 19. Strong Points, Part Two. Revisit the list of strengths you’ve thought about for Prompt 3. This time, write a scene in which your character’s strong points cause them trouble.

For Day 21. In Dreams. Your character is asleep and dreaming. What are their dreams typically like? Write or sketch a dream sequence that explores your character’s subconscious.

Warning: today's entry took a dark turn.  Reference to character death.

Day 24. Weak Points, Part Two. Revisit the list of shortcomings you’ve come up with for Prompt 9. This time, write a scene in which your character turns a weakness into a strength.

Comments on Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Writings

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Yesss I love the passing of the ring from Finarfin to Finrod! And UGH it always gets me that they went in part out of a desire not to be parted from their cousins :') Finrod and Turgon's friendship slays me. What a lovely (if tragic) scene <3

Yeah, I want to explore this event in more detail in future, but I do love the symmetry of Finrod taking the ring as an oath, and then giving the ring also - it bookends his life in Beleriand.  And I do so love the friendship between he and Turgon!  It hurts all the more that they were separated for most of the First Age despite Finrod going in large part not to be separated from him!! 

Oh wow, what an interesting time period to choose for this. The idea that he has to cut his clothes off... somehow very powerful. Beautifully written piece, and full of grief. 

I honestly can't imagine even Tolkien Elves wearing the same garments for 30-some years and not wanting to just burn them the second they can get out of them!!  These prompts are great because I can take them in directions I don't often consider, but this is my new headcanon that the Elves who crossed Helcaraxë were in a pretty awful state by the time they were done.

You got me with "This ficlet explores the possibility that Finrod was, perhaps, kind of a shit boyfriend," and you know what... I think it's a real possibility. I certainly think any reunion with Amarie would have been bumpy and I kind of like the idea that it actually doesn't work out between in the end. 

Aaah this expresses so well what you've identified about Finrod following his heart. It makes this part of the tale make more sense to me. The last line gave me a nice sting of emotion. 

It is always so interesting to see where people take this reunion, I like what you did with it!

Especially the line that saying he regrets his choice would make everything that happened worthless!

The Silmarillion is just riddled with Oaths isn't it? It is not wise, and choosing the doom knowingly makes it all the more painful.

Love also the parallels you drew with Aegnor and Andreth here!