Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Writings by cuarthol

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The Oath

For day 3. Strong Points ...Write a scene in which your character really shines at something.

It was a hard choice that lay before Ingoldo, and in his heart he did not know how he would choose one or the other.  Half of his heart was returning to Tirion, and the other half was drawn after his people, and there was no knitting these halves back together.  One way or another, he would have to choose.

His father took his hands and held them tight, resting their foreheads together.

“I will not ask you to return with me,” he said.  “For I know you will if I do, and this is not where your heart lies.”

“My heart knows not where it lies.  Or it lies with both.”  Ingoldo felt his chest twist in agony, almost wishing his father would ask it of him so he did not feel as if he had to make the choice himself.

“I know,” Arafin whispered.

“Aikanáro and Angaráto will not remain,” Ingoldo said, looking to where they stood by.  “And Artanis even less so.  But it is Turukáno I am most loath to part from.”  The confession brought a wave of guilt, as if he should be more concerned with his siblings than his cousin, but their friendship was so deep he felt more like a twin.

“I know,” Arafin said gently.  “Do you think I do not know the heart of my son?  Go, therefore, where your heart urges you.”

Ingoldo felt the tears sting his eyes when his father removed the ring - fashioned after the symbol of his house - and pressed it into his hand.

“Take this, my son,” he said.  “Remember me with it, and may it guide you.”

Ingoldo gripped it tightly and kissed his father.  “Let this ring be a symbol of my fealty, that in the path which lays before me may I ever bring you honor.  Thus is my oath to you: I will forget neither my father, nor my place as eldest, to guide my family and to remain faithful to Ilúvatar All-father.”

Thus was the ring an oath of faithfulness from the beginning, and bestowed again as an oath even unto his death.

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