Republic of Tirion
Series compiled by Dawn Felagund
It is Aman. It is the Fifth Age. Finally left to his own devices, Finarfin has decided to show his own radical streak, unkinged himself, and established representative democracy in Tirion against the will of the Valar. Adding to the crazy, all his exiled, slain relatives are beginning to return from Mandos ...
- Series Information
It is Aman. It is the Fifth Age. Finally left to his own devices, Finarfin has decided to show his own radical streak, unkinged himself, and established representative democracy in Tirion against the will of the Valar. Adding to the crazy, all his exiled, slain relatives are beginning to return from Mandos ...
Major Characters: Amarië, Anairë, Caranthir, Finarfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Maedhros
Major Relationships:
Genre: General
Fanworks in "Republic of Tirion"

Museum for the Forgotten by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Moderate)
It's the Fifth Age. Tirion has developed suburban sprawl, and psychotherapists are in high demand. An unkinged Finarfin experiments with political radicalism and has turned the palace into a memorial of the kinslaying. Amarië composes beat poetry. And Finrod has been reembodied into a world and among people he barely recognizes. Dark humor, for Kenaz for the Around the Fire challenge.

The Peril (and Potential) of Unleashing Lightning in a Fishbowl by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild)
Caranthir is a socially awkward public servant and Amarië is a politically radical performance artist when a prestigious battle of the bards entices them to come together in an unexpected friendship that produces an even less-expected new musical genre. Part of the Republic of Tirion series but you don't have to be familiar with the other stories to understand this one. Also featuring the printing press, underground nightclubs, an electric guitar, and Caranthir's bitchy resting face.

Bone-White by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: Mature Themes
After wandering accidentally near to Mandos, Caranthir encounters a procession delivering his newly reembodied brother back to the world: Maedhros. Caranthir breaks into his tent, and the two discuss healing, mutability, and the things that will never change. For Silver Trails.

Detour by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild)
It is the Fifth Age of Arda. Finarfin has unkinged himself and declared Tirion a democracy, and the Noldorin people are alive with the possibilities to be found in their new existence. Yet Maedhros, more than ten years after his release from the halls of Mandos, has retreated to a life of apathy and loneliness, until one day, Anairë comes to deliver him news that he never hoped to receive: His cousin Fingon has been released from Mandos. (Maedhros/Fingon)

Swans by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate)
Against Maedhros's wishes, Fingon is off to a summer retreat in the mountains, a retreat designed by the Valar for newly reembodied Elves. Amid games of kickball and group therapy, Fingon makes a friend, discovers the Noldor haven't actually invented everything, and begins to grasp the complexities of his post-reembodiment relationship with Maedhros. Maedhros/Fingon, set in my Republic of Tirion verse.

The Sandglass Runs by Dawn Felagund, NelyafinweFeanorion
Warnings: Character Death, Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Moderate)
In Fifth Age Tirion, Caranthir has been reembodied into a changed world: his uncle has unkinged himself and turned Tirion into a republic, Elves live in suburbs and seek psychotherapy, and the Noldor born after his exile have invented all kinds of wondrous things. One day, Caranthir receives a letter that he is being entrusted to mentor his newly reembodied cousin Orodreth. They must not only resolve their old enmity but achieve a tenuous friendship--maybe even more?--as both seek the peace and acceptance they never found in their prior lives. Written for TRSB 2019, based on the artwork by NelyafinweFeanorion.