Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
This month, we continue our annual SWG tradition of featuring a challenge with a focus on the many ways that women have improved and enriched the world we live in. This month, we honor those women who served as leaders in varying capacities. Prompts for this challenge will be quotations from women who have served in a leadership role.
You can contact us to be assigned your own prompt, or you can choose one from the list of unassigned prompts below.
This challenge opened in .
Choose your prompt from the collection below.
Having traveled North and up a mountain in Aman, Fingon builds himself a house, and works on putting himself back together. A drabble sequence. Follows Aurora: Seeking the Northern Sky.
A view from two sides of a mirror, and what happens when those trapped are freed.
A Drabble sequence: 1,2,2,1.
Poems that are drabbles, drabbles that are poems.
"”Now it is told that in the bearing of her son Míriel was consumed in spirit and body; and that after his birth she yearned for rest from the labour of living. And she said to Finwë ‘Never again shall I bear a child; for strength that would have nourished the life of many have gone forth into Fëanáro.’ Then Manwë granted the prayer of Míriel. And she went to Lorien, and laid her down to sleep upon a bed of flowers [>beneath a silver tree]; and there her fair body remained unwithered in the keeping of the maidens of Estë."
In which Indis comes to terms with the legacy of Miriel's choices, and makes a new friend in the process.
Maglor and his wife throughout the Ages.
Inzilbeth, daughter of Lindorie of Andunie, struggles to maintain her childhood faith, when she is pressured into marriage with Gimilzor, prospective heir to the throne of Numenor, and finds herself surrounded by fervent adherents of the King's Party at court.
The birth of her elder son, the future Tar-Palantir, gives her hope.
King Thingol sets the doom of Doriath into motion. And Galadriel and Celeborn argue.
Sauron is driven out of Dol Guldur, but the dungeons are not empty.
Roots, knowledge, and pain, a tangle of possibility
Vairë speaks to Tuor, and to Lúthien.
for the "A True Leader" strong women challenge
"I can, of course, think what I want, just like everyone else. I simply have to refrain from saying everything I think." ~ Margrethe II of Denmark
Elrond took his library with him to Valinor. In that archive are many things, and the librarians and archivists of Cîr Imladris (New Rivendell) are kept delightfully busy.