Noldolantë by Grundy

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Fanwork Notes

The first chapter started as a vignette for Feanorian Week 2018. Second chapter is for the SWG "A True Leader" challenge.

Fanwork Information


Maglor and his wife throughout the Ages.

Major Characters: Maglor, Original Female Character(s)

Major Relationships:


Challenges: Bollywood, True Leader

Rating: General


Chapters: 3 Word Count: 4, 555
Posted on 9 August 2020 Updated on 14 August 2024

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

My prompt for "A True Leader" was "A flower without fragrance draws notice, but not interest." 

For the Bollywood challenge prompt Pyaasa (Thirsty): the trials of an aspiring poet. (My mind went straight to young Maglor.)

Comments on Noldolantë

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Prelude - I loved the world building in this, the collegium in Alqualonde, the stubbornness of Feanor not to teach his sons other languages, the general politics in the background.   Lovely use of partial language barriers (I'm a big fan!!) and cultural differences.  But such an adorable meeting <3

Warming Up - This was so sweet!!  Having (failed) to learn another language I very much felt all of their little obstacles and knowledge gaps!

"Can you imagine how all those clever Noldor would have looked at me?" 🥺

Overture - Oh they really are an adorable couple!! (pity about canon.)

"he couldn’t quite shake the suspicion that his mentors in Tirion had been too soft on the king’s grandson"
oof... there's definitely a well of self-doubt there 

"mind your words when you do, or you may wind up engaged before you mean to be."
😂 Ah yes, one of the many potential pitfalls of language barriers!

They are getting on so well and she is clearly good for him!

Sadly, the overall title reminds me that presumably they will negotiate some of the problems Maglor fears, but it can't really end as well as we might wish.