Whither Lies the Heart by cuarthol

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Fanwork Notes

In a later but rejected version of the legendarium, Fingon has a son, Finbor, and a daughter, Erien.

A variant of Erien was Ernis. I figured if the men can name all their sons after themselves, so can their wives, so I was neatly saved from needing to invent another name for Fingon's wife.

Fanwork Information


The story of Ernis, wife of Fingon, and Erien, their daughter.

Major Characters: Unnamed Female Canon Character(s), Erien, Finbor, Fingon

Major Relationships: Fingon/Unnamed Canon Character, Erien/Orodreth

Genre: Family

Challenges: Hidden Figures

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 018
Posted on 20 September 2023 Updated on 23 September 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Whither Lies the Heart

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Oh!! I love every aspect of this! The Grandparents of Gil-galad theme is great and I'll certainly read more of it.

I really like the way you incorporated the tidbits you found about these named-yet-rejected characters and extrapolated their mother's name too.

I particularly love mother and daughter's wanderlust and the freedom with which they come and go. (I think with Elven lifespans they wouldn't feel the need to spend every moment they can in one another's company.)

And your ending is just hilarious, with the whole family ready and waiting for the wedding while she's getting sidetracked by plants and whatnot along her way!

Thank you!  It was not easy to tease a fully character out of little more than an abandoned family tree but it was so satisfying!  I love the idea of showcasing that they didn't have to give up their own lives just because they married (and also subverting the normal "he saw her and loved her and what she thought is irrelevant" typical Tolkien romance lol)

This is my own pet-fix of divergent canon bits where Gil-galad being Fingon's son is just a scribal error (Much to Gil-galad's annoyance) 😆 

So glad you enjoyed it!!