Fanworks Tagged with Horror

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but for the look in his eyes by awwyeah107

When Maedhros goes to parley with Morgoth’s army after Fëanáro’s death, Celebrimbor sneaks out to join him, and the consequences are dire.

Rated M for graphic violence (primarily torture). First three chapters were posted only on AO3 in 2024.

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puissance (stay my hand now) by queerofthedagger

Celebrimbor smiles into the dark, and wonders if this is what Nelyafinwë meant when he spoke of the satisfaction of resistance, no matter its price.

Sauron does not kill him in Eregion. This is his first mistake.

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Unhappy Into Woe by StarSpray

Maglor's wanderings take him up the Anduin, where orcs find him and take him to Dol Guldur--where the Necromancer dwells. 

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Laughter and Mourning by silmalope

Laughter and Mourning, the daughters of Húrin. An illustration for the 2024 Orctober challenge prompt “eyes”.

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Designs by Independence1776

Second Age 3261: Sauron prepares to respond to Ar-Pharazon’s heralds. Maglor doesn’t know how he fits into Sauron's plans.

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Something Sleepless in Mirkwood by Rocky41_7

Thranduil is plagued by the shadow haunting Mirkwood Forest.

No - Thranduil is haunted by the War of the Last Alliance.

Or - Thranduil has succumbed to some new and unknown illness.

Whatever the problem is, Elrond must solve it quickly, for even immortal Elves may not have forever.

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Fruit of the Family Tree by Rocky41_7

All is not as it seems when Thranduil enters the ancestral Feanorian estate, but he fails to fully comprehend the scale and nature of the risk. If he's very lucky, one day he might even get to leave.

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Blood Ties by AdmirableMonster

A close friend of Lómion's has gone missing, and a dark creature stalks the forests of his home.  When he is summoned by Nan Elmoth itself, Lómion will have to draw upon all the powers he possesses to get himself and his friend home again.

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Tender Morsels by sallysavestheday

Fingon and Maedhros and the bittersweet taste of love.

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A Damnable Spot by Rocky41_7

Elwing is dead, but she will not let Maglor alone, no matter how he pleads.

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Dirty Deeds by AdmirableMonster

A young Númenorean has a close encounter with a deity of his mother's people.

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The Labour of My Love by ohboromir

Túrin is taken to Angband, and Beleg makes a choice.

It's not the one he thinks he's making.


For @dorcuartholweek

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Maglor tortured moodboard by Independence1776

Moodboard for TRSB 2023, wherein I request Maglor to be tortured. The collage is not graphic, but does contain images of torture implements or things that can be used as such.

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eat earth, dig deep by kimaracretak

Merry knows an awful lot about the old forest

Merry is very young

The forest misses being that young

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Haunted, Hunted by Rocky41_7

Elwing must pass through the abandoned forest of Doriath to reach her aunt's house. As long as she stays on the path and keeps her magic jewel close, she should be safe...

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in memories cast into melodies by kimaracretak

Time is old in the forest, and weary, but it is not yet winter when Goldberry sees her first. She has braved the Withywindle even this late in the year, barefoot in the water, and her feet are tinged with blue nearly to match the brooch that rests at her throat.

Or; Goldberry meets the woman who wore the blue-jewelled brooch from the Barrow-Downs. Four Second Age autumns lived, and one yet to come.

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Vicious Inhumanity by Independence1776

Maglor and the other Elves underestimated the Human Preservation Organization.

Written for Narya in the 2023 GoreSwap exchange.

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The Fates of Man by AdmirableMonster

Two natural philosophers struggle to warn the Faithful that the end of Númenor is approaching.  But can sworn enemies find a way forward in the midst of the final tumult?

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Find Your Way Home by sabcatt

Idril loves Maeglin. He knows this is true, because she tells him it is. He loves her, too.

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Shadows Laid Before the Sun by Idrils Scribe

When Caranthir picks one fight too many with their Arafinwëan cousins, Maedhros drags him east before he single-handedly shatters the Leaguer of Angband.
On their way to Himring the feuding brothers must cross Nan Dungortheb. Not even the mighty Sons of Fëanor will emerge unscathed from the Valley of Dreadful Death.

STORY COMPLETE. Chapter 8: “We cannot kill it, can we?” Carnistir asked, and looked aside to see the scarred lines of Maitimo’s face harden.

A Halloween gift for Dawn Felagund. Many thanks to Anoriath and Grundy for the beta, and to Lyra for her Quenya translation skills!

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Elrond in Ar-Pharazôn's Númenor by Independence1776

My second artwork for TRSB 2022. Elrond is secretly visiting Númenor during the reign of Ar-Pharazôn, years after Sauron’s capture, and is captured himself.

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The hammer and the star by Chiara Cadrich

A voluble dwarf delights the inn with a legend adulterated by his drunken elucubrations. It's up to you to disentangle the true from the false...

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Death to the Young by Kaylee Arafinwiel

As Dior lays dying, yearning to reach twin boys taken from his care, something deep within him cracks and slams into place. There's more of his grandmother Melian in him that he ever thought he would inherit. 

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