Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
There may be an afterlife, but there is no final version of the Silmarillion.
Neither its in-universe author nor its IRL author are the kind of writers that just finish a work and then move on...
A bard of Annúminas cannot find the right melody for his song - but help is waiting in the shadows.
Written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2020, Endings and Beginnings.
Cirion, Steward of Gondo, faces ruin...
30: “…their enemies shall be our enemies, their need shall be our need, and whatsoever evil, or threat, or assault may come upon them we will aid them to the utmost end of our strength.” (Unfinished Tales, Part Three, II, iii, Cirion and Eorl)
Roverandom catches up with friends, both canine and otherwise.
On the eve of the War of Wrath, a reborn Nando is not quite sure which side of the Sea she belongs on.
Luckier. By whose definition, luckier?
Finarfin and his family make a garden for Galadriel's seventh begetting day present.
25: 'start' (photo prompt, sign painted on a gate by a child)
Elladan struggles with his painting.
22: 'Nocturn:black and gold' Whistler
Dior comes to Mandos, and must decide how he will leave it.
Fingon and inexplicable kittens
Fingon, unfocused, distracted and distressed. A double-drabble and three drabbles.
The elves of Vinyamar move to Gondolin.
18: "Because I could not stop for death
Death kindly stopped for me
The carriage held but just ourselves and
Emily Dickinson.
Mairon chooses his form.
17: "For nothing is evil in the beginning; even Sauron was not so."
Elwing confronts Maedhros and Maglor stand over her sleeping children.
day 15: "an important moment"
Family life at the Havens of Sirion.
13: "Your kingdom is gone. If it is to be restore, which I doubt, it must be from small beginnings". Unfinished Tales
Dor Firn-i-Guinar did not sink with the rest of Beleriand, and it is a place heavy with memory.
A collection of works written for B2MeM 2020.
The Eldar become aware of the reshaping of the world after the fall of Númenor.
11: 'The Milky Way'
Gimli and Glóin after the Council of Elrond.
9: "They had begun to forget: forget their own beginnings and legends, forget what little they had known about the greatness of the world.” (Unfinished Tales, Part Three, III, The Quest of Erebor)
Bilbo tells Frodo of the heroics of hobbits in the Fell Winter.
8: the aftermath of a disaster.
Boromir loses his horse and meets some Rangers.
4: "He thought that his adventure had come to an end, and a bad one, but the thought hardened him."
Elrond tries to help Bilbo with his writing.
6: "Finish a work in progress."