Distractions by Lferion
Fanwork Notes
Many thanks to Morgynleri, for encouragement and sanity-checking.
Written for Back to Middle Earth Month 2020, using the prompts:
--Day 3: Think of something that happened to you today and write down the first thing that comes to mind. Start your fanwork with your character having a similar experience or performing a similar task.
--Day 10: At last, weary and feeling finally defeated, he sat on a step below the level of the passage-floor and bowed his head into his hands. It was quiet, horribly quiet. The torch, that was already burning low when he arrived, sputtered and went out; and he felt the darkness cover him like a tide. And then softly, to his own surprise, there at the vain end of his long journey and his grief, moved by what thought in his heart he could not tell, Sam began to sing. (Return of the King, Book VI, Chapter 1)
--Day 20: Create a fanwork that is completely or partly set in the afterlife, or that explores beliefs about the afterlife among a culture or group on Arda.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Fingon, unfocused, distracted and distressed. A double-drabble and three drabbles. Major Characters: Fingon Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Poetry Challenges: B2MeM 2020 Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 504 |
Posted on 21 March 2020 | Updated on 21 March 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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