Fanworks Tagged with Gwindor

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Light in Gloom, or An Unexpected Find by Anérea

A teeny tiny illustrated poem about Beleg unexpectedly finding Gwindor with his blue lamp in Taur-na-Fuin, Forest of (Gloomy) Night. 

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Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

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Gwindor by Rocky41_7

For Gwindor of Nargothrond, son of Guilin, brother of Gelmir, Angband escapee.

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Guilt-Stricken, Sobbing by Elwin Fortuna

Turin, just after killing Beleg, sinks into despair.

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Cruellest Month by Himring

Gwindor has returned after years of imprisonment and thralldom in Angband, but true homecoming continues to be difficult, a year on.
Finduilas, his betrothed, has tried to support him. Gwindor foresees that the strain will have an impact on their relationship.

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The Seven Gates by Laerthel

The impossible happened – a Silmaril has been stolen from Morgoth’s crown. Maedhros decides to reunite the People of Beleriand against the Enemy and attack him while he is still unprepared (which is by no means less impossible). Meanwhile, in the hidden city of Gondolin, Lord Glorfindel of the Golden Flower pursues the meaning of his recurring nightmares, only to find himself in the centre of a secret ploy against the ever-growing power of Maeglin Lómion in the King’s Council.

The People of Beleriand are astir; and as the strings of our heroes’ fates tangle, a dark shadow creeps above the North – the Fifth Battle approaches. And to what end, no one could dream...

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A Question... by Raiyana

The Life and Times of Erestor, Vampire.

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Guarded Heart by Narya

Gwindor's attention is not where it should be, and his brother has noticed.

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"oh t'have a courtin' beau, an' have him crown me queen of May" by heget

A cute outing early on in the courtship of Finduilas Faelivrin and Gwindor during the Long Peace.

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... of Passion by Raiyana

Gwindor's captivity in Angband involves the torture he might have expected... until Gorthaur hatches a new plan to fulfil an old desire.

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The River. by hennethgalad

Gwindor comes to Tol Sirion to propose to Finduilas.

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Gwindor of Nargothrond by Lotrfan

Given a richer and more nuanced characterization in The Children of Húrin, Gwindor is a tenacious character who gives us insight into the lives of captives of Morgoth. The effects of his captivity haunt him as he becomes a pawn in the tragic tale of Túrin.

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The Hawthorn Sword by swampdiamonds

Back in Nargothrond after several seasons on the northern border, Túrin finds himself entangled in Gwindor's personal and political conflicts and comes to a decision about his own future.

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With Doom We Come by Lingwiloke

Gwindor and Finduilas meet for the last time before he leaves for what would afterwards be called the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

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Taking Readings II by Himring

Anthology for short pieces that don't fit anywhere else. 

Now added: "Something for Nothing" (Ecthelion, Egalmoth)

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Writ in Water by Zdenka

A series of seven drabbles about Nargothrond and those who became involved with its fate, based on a set of river-related prompts from Tolkien Weekly.

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Before the Coming of the End by Himring

Who will fetch forth Turin to the fight, as the Dagor Dagorath approaches?

Written for Kenaz for the "Around the Fire" Challenge.

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Thaw by swampdiamonds

Gwindor and Túrin on the shores of Ivrin. Things lost, things found, and some basic math.

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The Offer by swampdiamonds

An idea proposed by Túrin leads to uncomfortable conversations.

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Release from Bondage by heget

The story of two elves from Nargothrond, neither important enough to be mentioned in the family trees of kings or heroic songs, who lost their names in Angband's slavery. The childhood companion of Finduilas Faelivrin must take the princess's identity to survive in the enemy's hands. Another prisoner, regretting he did not join Beren’s quest, tries his best to save her.


The later half of The Silmarillion from the POV of prisoners in Angband, as inspired by A Dance with Dragons.

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My Dear Finduilas by Luxa

I write you this letter in hopes that I have not forgotten the words to do so.

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