Light in Gloom, or An Unexpected Find by Anérea

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Fanwork Notes

This is a little poem I wrote for the Tolkien Short Fanworks thematic prompt "lamp or lantern" and formal challenge of a "lanterne", a type of short poem of five lines with a syllable count of 1-2-3-4-1 (Also called a "lantern" or "lanturne" because its shape is like that of a hanging lantern or lamp, when it is centre-aligned on the page.)

I've rendered it into a tengwar illustration of a gloomy forest for the SWG Funky 70s challenge prompt Dark Side of The Moon by Pink Floyd. Started last year and finished for the Jubilee. 


Once again, my gratitude to Shihali for her invaluable assistance with translating.

Fanwork Information


A teeny tiny illustrated poem about Beleg unexpectedly finding Gwindor with his blue lamp in Taur-na-Fuin, Forest of (Gloomy) Night. 

Major Characters: Beleg, Gwindor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Poetry

Type: Decorative, Word Art

Challenges: Funky 70s, Jubilee

Rating: General


Posted on 16 February 2025 Updated on 16 February 2025

Luin vi Fuin (Light in Gloom)

and gloom.    
Pale blue light!    
   Gaunt body, prone …    
… hug       
. . 

a fuin.    
Calar luin!    
  Rhond chesg, dhannen …    
… rôn.       
. .  

poem rendered in tengwar

poem rendered in tengwar over a painted background of a dark gloomy forest

Chapter End Notes

Media: Inktense and silver and black ink pen on a shiny satiny paper commonly used for wedding invitations upon which paint sits rather than soak in, resulting in the background being more finger painting than brush! Lots of fun!

Comments on Light in Gloom, or An Unexpected Find

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Thanks Flora! 

 I actually wrote this as a sequel to a Gwindor POV poem when I realised that I'd got muddled and instead of writing a lantern I'd written a 'fib' (a six line/20 syllable poem with syllable count of each line matching the first six numbers of the fibonacci sequence.)

If you haven't discovered it already, you may really enjoy the Tolkien Short Fanworks run by Himring on Dreamwidth. You can read without an account but you'll need one to post your own works, but it's very easy to set up.

Here's the link to the TSFW page:

And to the challenge with the lanterne prompt:

And one to my little 'fib' about Gwindor all alone: