Fanworks Tagged with Crossover

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Maglor and Daeron's Not-So-Excellent-But-Kind-Of-Fun Adventure by Independence1776

Maglor, a Jedi, gets roped into investigating the theft of the Silmarilli and some Sindarin treasures. His partner? The Singer Daeron.

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Jedi Maglor & Singer Daeron by Independence1776

The adventure(s) of Jedi Maglor and Singer Daeron.

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More Light by Grundy

Erestor learns about a new holiday, and thinks on an early memory.

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Nienor and the Golden Fish by Anérea

An illustration for a very loose crossover concept with Nienor and the magic golden fish from the Chinese fairytale of Ye Xian, a Cindarella tale predating the European version by over 1000 years. 

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The story of Njal who was burned by clotho123

Nellas, long after the fall of Doriath, is again a witness to tragedy

This is a very geeky crossover between The Silmarillion and Njal’s Saga, the longest and arguably best of the early medieval Icelandic Sagas which Tolkien knew very well. 

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Back In The Valley by Grundy

Elrond trying to get a quiet morning in before his guests are up, about, and causing chaos. (Daughters of Celebrian 'verse.)

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Primordial Daydream by Anérea

The Queen of Faery takes a little light trip down memory lane.

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Berion's Song by Himring

Berion, captain of Barad Eithel under King Fingon, laments Fingon's death and the loss of his home.

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Come Back To the Valley by Himring

On some days, maybe, we just get homesick for that Last Homely House?
An invitation to return to Rivendell.

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Let’s make the most of this beautiful day by Quente

A very great man dies, and asks if he can be of more help to the universe because it has been so good to him.

...Eru Illúvatar takes him up on the offer.

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Hua Cheng and Xie Lian Save Nargothrond by UnicornsInSpace

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng accidentally visit Nargothrond during its fall and help out.

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Monty Python and the Athrabeth by cuarthol

Bëor: Halt!  Who goes there?
Finrod:  It is I, Felagund, son of Finarfin of Valinor.  King of Nargothrond, builder of Minas Tirith, sovereign of all Dorthonion!
Bëor: Pull the other one!
Finrod: I am!  And this is my trusty servant, Edrahil.

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Sunset, sunrise by Independence1776

Maglor, a Jedi in hiding, is a mechanic for the Rebellion during A New Hope.

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Changing of the Guard by Grundy

Thranduil names an unexpected successor.

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One-handed Anonymous by Lyra

Imagine a self-help group for fictional characters who have lost one or several hands. That's it. That's the idea.

A very rough sketch to get in just under the wire to respond to three challenges at once:
- Tengwar (ampa - hook; technically Noldo)
- Crossroads of the Fallen King (Crossover with Star Wars, Peter Pan, the MCU, the Aubreiad, real world history, Mad Max and the Queen's Thief series)
- Funky 70s (Star Wars; some of the fancy drinks)

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Esse Nuquerna by AdmirableMonster

Nimruzimir's father interrupts him while he is reading the most recent novel in his favorite series.

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Pumuckl and the Staff by chrissystriped

Meister Eder is comissioned to repair a staff. Pumuckl does not seem to like the customer.

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Back in Time by Lyra

What if, instead of taking Marty and Jennifer to 2015, Doc accidentally took them to Years-of-the-Trees Valinor?

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Aloft in Splendor by StarSpray

One such evening gathering, however, brought a new acquaintance to the Elliots’ attention. He was known to Lady Dalrymple, and had connections to the De Bourgh family, and to the Darcys of Pemberly, and happened to have come to Bath on business that week. “He is a most marvelous musician, however, “Lady Dalrymple told Miss Elliot. “Perfection at the pianoforte!"

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The Wave Warbled Under by Himring

Aerandir, a mariner who accompanied Earendil on his voyages, finds himself at loose ends when he arrives in Valinor after the War of Wrath. 

He is haunted by an encounter during one of their earlier voyages and comes to a decision..

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Siren Song by polutropos

Maglor's westward odyssey nearly fails when he is led astray by an enthralling light and song in the depths of the sea.

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Quite Ready To Go On Another Journey by Grundy

The Straight Road is barred to mortals. But he's not a mortal anymore...

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The Sundelions of Arien by cílil

Mairon has a favour to ask of his former lover.


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Losing Something (or Someone) Precious by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Morgoth lost the Silmaril. Elrond lost his parents because of the Silmaril (and that was just to start with). Sauron lost the One Ring. All have lost something, or someone precious to them.

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An Elf at the North Pole by elennalore

Re-embodied Celebrimbor can’t find peace in Aman, so he takes the icy road Helcaraxë back to Middle-earth. The world is changed, however, and he finds himself in a very different place. But what if his past comes back to haunt him even there?

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