The Wave Warbled Under by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

This is a crossover with the poem The Sea Singer, by Alfred Percival Graves (1913; link to text at the Poetry Foundation website).

For the purposes of the crossover, I decided to interpret the incident described as an event during one of Earendil's voyages to seek Valinor.

No warnings for content of the ficlet itself, but reference is made to canon-typical deaths in First Age Beleriand.

Fanwork Information


Aerandir, a mariner who accompanied Earendil on his voyages, finds himself at loose ends when he arrives in Valinor after the War of Wrath. 

He is haunted by an encounter during one of their earlier voyages and comes to a decision..

Major Characters: Other Fictional Character(s), Aerandir, Erellont

Major Relationships:

Genre: Crossover, Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: Crossroads of the Fallen King

Rating: General

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 336
Posted on 15 June 2024 Updated on 16 June 2024

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Wave Warbled Under

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I love female Erellont, that's such a good idea! This has a very melancholy and mythical vibe. I had not read the poem before and this prompted me to go looking... you've created an original and, I think, successful fusion!