Let’s make the most of this beautiful day by Quente

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Fanwork Notes

Canonical real-person character death.

Fanwork Information


A very great man dies, and asks if he can be of more help to the universe because it has been so good to him.

...Eru Illúvatar takes him up on the offer.

Major Characters: Real Person(s), Lórien, Míriel Serindë

Major Relationships: Míriel & Other Fictional Character

Genre: Crossover

Challenges: Funky 70s

Rating: General

Warnings: Character Death

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 791
Posted on 16 June 2024 Updated on 18 June 2024

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Comments on Let’s make the most of this beautiful day

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What a clever idea, and what a wonderful, peaceful point of view to see the world through. And what an imaginative way to portray everything -- his death, the garden, his new powers... A really cheering, resful fic.

I hope you plan to continue it, and bring love and wisdom to a few more characters.

"We cannot simply rewrite the laws to allow a marriage beyond two people in this manner."

That would have solved so many problems with Fëanor if it had happened in his childhood and he had kept hope of seeing his mother instead of having a not-actually-evil-I'm-sure step-mother. 


Time being relative in Fic land, maybe it did change everything. 

Fred Rogers @ Feanor: Now sometimes we're asked to sacrifice something we love for the good of many people, and I know it's incredibly hard. In return, you'll be a hero to everyone who lives here for giving back some of the light that they loved, because you had the foresight to keep it. Do you think you can make that sacrifice, to keep so many people happy? Remember -- your family and friends are more important than anything you can own, and they feel the same way about you.