An Education in Stone by Erulisse

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Fanwork Notes

Tolkien provided the sandbox, bucket and shovel. I merely mold the sand into new walls and courtyards, ever grateful for his vision. No profit - intended or not - is made from my stories set in his universe. 

Fanwork Information


Nerdanel is given a commission - present a sculptural work to the people of Valinor that will feature images of the Valar. But as an artist, she must remain true to her personal vision. What does that vision convey to the people and to the Valar who are depicted through her carved stone? 

Major Characters: Finarfin, Ingwë, Nerdanel, Olwë, Valar

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Woman's Sceptre

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 361
Posted on 9 May 2017 Updated on 9 May 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on An Education in Stone

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Oh my! Well, they should have known what they were getting themselves into when Nerdanel announced that she insisted on being allowed to follow her artistic vision! But then, your Ingwe doesn't seem to be the sort of person who actually realises that other people's vision might differ from his. I love that you made Osse so sympathetic and reconciliatory. And Finarfin is willing to think and listen, at least. (I also can't help but notice that the Valar do not appear to take offense!)

Meanwhile, the sculpture you describe is utterly compelling! Again, I found it surprising (and fascinating!) that you made Námo one of the Valar who have their eyes open, since he tends to be depicted as a complete killjoy who ignores those Noldor who are alive and looks down on those who come to his halls. So the idea of him weeping over a dead elf is intriguing! And Varda with her sickle, and the (blindfolded!) dancing ladies... I wish I could see the sculpture in real life!

In conclusion, great job!

Thank you so much. I have always had a great deal of sympathy for Lord Namo - it's a rather thankless job that he holds. I think he cares for each soul who comes to him with love and respect. I also would love to see this sculpture in real life, it would be intruiging, to say the least - LOL. 


I very much apprediate your reading and your comments. *hugs*


- Erulisse (one L)

Really liked this piece. Especially the description of Namo. I can see that image of him, burdened with the countless deaths that occurred after the Separation and how, in a way, each one was another layer of guilt, another failure, another soul requiring a healing touch--perhaps never to recover and be re-embodied. And he was in charge of them all. He had watched them set out, warned them of the Doom and in the end he was the one they came back to, he was the one that had to see/experience their pain, he was the one who had to heal them--absorbing in a way all that came before. Quite a heavy duty. 

The blinfolds and choices for that were also fascinating, as were the ones with unbound eyes. 

Thanks so much for your words and review. I admit I have a soft spot in my heart for Namo. He seems to get the blame so often but his job is a very tough one, as you summarized. It was fun to allow my little sculptor to run freely through the Valar.


- Erulisse (one L)

Oh, this is wonderful! I love how you depicted who Nerdanel chose to leave with eyes unbound and why- it has such poetic description and feels true to the Valar as well. As my name gives away, I love Nienna. I think in one simple line you so perfectly described her. "While her brother weeps for the dead, she weeps for the living." Likewise, the depictions of Ulmo, Námo, and all the others was spot on. And your Nerdanel is wonderful too. Such determination to share her vision. 

It is such an interesting way to put it, the Valar with their eyes bound. And I know I've said this before, but everything about your descriptions seems so true to each Vala.(And likewise for Nerdanel.) Really all your characters seem true to themselves, in a way I cannot quite explain, considering how little we see of some of them in canon. But it all just feels right.

I loved this fic so much! As a fellow artist I perfectly know Nerdanel feeling of a) not wanting to be disturbed by other people while she is working and b) the imperative importance of finishing your art remaining true to it and not bending it to the will of other people.

I wasn't expecting this rapresentation of the Valar but I have loved it! And I love how Nerdanel has stood her ground with Ingwe and all the other man... she is great! the best! We all have to learn from Nerdanel!

Again, great fic! I enjoied it a lot! Good work!! <3<3<3<3<3