Findis: On a Rock, Praying by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Although it seems to be implied in the History of Middle-Earth that Findis was close to her mother and influenced by her Vanyarin heritage, few details are given. I see her as someone who tends to do Vanyarin things but with a somewhat Noldorin or Finwean attitude...

Posted in order of writing.

Rating: so far all probably Teens (for things mentioned rather than for the actual plot, which is all Gen, unless you need a warning for a rather cloudy take on spirituality)

Fanwork Information


Two pieces featuring Findis, eldest daughter of Finwe, and her choices after the Darkening.

I. A Season on Taniquetil (Findis, Fingon; quadrabble)

II. The Hermit (Findis, Finarfin)

Major Characters: Finarfin, Findis, Fingon

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General

Challenges: B2MeM 2016

Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 297
Posted on 10 April 2016 Updated on 10 April 2016

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents


Fingon has settled back into life in Tirion for some time, learning to live without Maedhros. Now duty to a relative summons him into Vanyarin territory.

Set in Valinor after Fingon's re-embodiment, after the events of my story "The House that Fingon Built".

A piece from Findis's own piece of view.

Also featuring Findis's thoughts on Finarfin as King of the Noldor.

Inspired by Loreena McKennitt's song "Skellig", a B2MeM prompt by Huinare. Also for LLA 2016 (see End Notes)

Quenya names used: Arafinwe, Finwe-Arafinwe: Finarfin; Feanaro: Feanor

Comments on Findis: On a Rock, Praying

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[Bringing my AO3 comment over here, since I read it here first and somehow ended up at AO3 when I went to comment later in the day. Also, I enjoyed the first instalment with Fingon!]

Finally made my way over here to see what you did with that old prompt. I really like this! The reflections on how asceticism and meditation do not "saintly" make are very true, and yet, at the same time, Findis really does do tangible good in the form of maintaining a place where others can come for a time to get away from their more hectic world.

The paragraph about vanity was my favorite. Very incisive, especially, "But if it ever ceased to be a bit of a joke, if she ever started taking herself seriously as a saint, that would be the time to leave."

I see a mouse found its way in from the song. :D

Thank you very much for taking the trouble to copy the comment across! I'm also glad you liked the instalment involving Fingon!

And thank you again for the detailed comment and also for introducing me to "Skellig"!

My problem with the prompt (which made me think of Findis right away when I first saw it) was always that Findis obviously isn't going to walk to "Romani" with books of history that she wrote in her pack and die there.

I've meanwhile thought of other characters that might fit that part or some of it (Beor?), but couldn't work it out.

For now I've just sneaked references to a book and an hour-glass into the Findis vignette.