The Family We Choose by Ilye

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Fanwork Notes

The voices in my head narrate in Silmarillion canon; Fingon is Gil-galad’s father. 

Dramatis personae and alternative names:

Alcarillë; Aeglariel (OFC)
Arafinwë; Finarfin
Ñolofinwë; Fingolfin
Findekáno; Fingon
Turukáno; Turgon
Irissë; Aredhel
Arakáno; Argon
Itarillë; Idril

Fanwork Information


As the Exiles return to Valinor after the War of Wrath, Anairë discovers that you can choose your family as well as your friends.

Major Characters: Anairë, Eärwen, Finarfin, Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 3 Word Count: 3, 194
Posted on 23 April 2015 Updated on 8 May 2015

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Family We Choose

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What a delightful story, Ilye!  There are far too few tales of these women, both Anaire and Fingon's canonical-yet-unfortunately-unnamed wife.  You portray them very well, and Anaire especially is believable.  For some reason the culture in fanfic is such that it's (irony of ironies) considered almost heretical to mention Fingon's wife, and I don't see why those even those few who have written stories about her feel the need to pay homage to his fanon relationship with Nelyo, but your tale nonetheless has the ring of truth :)

Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it and appreciate you taking the time to say so.

I must admit, I'm a shameless fan of Fingon/Maedhros - but that said, I find the Silmarillion-canon of Fingon being Gil-galad's father very interesting, and I've had a lot of fun exploring how that relationship fitted with Gil-galad's mother. 

Your Aeglariel stories have been on my to-read list for some time, and when I had five minutes and was scrolling through SWG, as fate would have it, rhis appeared.

I love so, so many things about this (and now I need to go and read the rest of your fic, to get all the references, much of which I was puzzled over, and also, judging by this fic, they must be lovely!), especially Anaire--I think I'm in love with her *_* (although she must be a bit difficult to live with!) And I love the hints of Anaire/Earwen, and also complicated three (and four!)way relationships, which are really, really, my thing. And, as Himring said, I love the fact that despite the very different experiences that Anaire and Aeglariel had, they're bonding!

I don't think I need to say that I love your writing style--I'm sure lots of people have told you it's gorgeous already. ♥

What I'm trying to say is: I love everything about this fic. Thank you so much for writing it! ♥♥♥


Firstly, I'm sorry if you were puzzled over some of the references in this story - I had hoped it would stand alone from any others with Aeglariel, so if anything's not obvious then please let me know and I'll clear it up.


Thank you so much for your lovely review. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading! These ladies have been great fun to explore, so it's good to know that this is coming across to others as well :-)