Fanworks Tagged with Finarfin

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Kingly Advice? by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Elros seeks out his great-uncle after receiving surprising news, asking advice from the head of his family.

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The Divinity Braid by Gabriel

In the weeks leading up to the War of Wrath, one would be right to believe there would not be much to celebrate, with so much in the way of work to be done in preparation. But an unexpected visitor to High King Arafinwë’s pavilion brings with them renewed sense of hope for the future and intriguing tidings.

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Laughter as light as a feather by firstamazon

Every summer, Macalaurë’s entire family takes a trip to the woods and sets up camp for a few days, enjoying the nice weather and each other’s companies.

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The King Thrall by Gabriel

The meeting of the hosts of the West and of the North is named the Great Battle, and the War of Wrath. There was marshalled the whole power of the Throne of Morgoth, and it had become great beyond count, so that Anfauglith could not contain it; and all the North was aflame with war.

The Silmarillion


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To Build The Bonds That Tie by ThatFeanorian

A modern AU centering around the house of finwë: who they are how they grow, and in the end, how they love. Mostly Russingon centric, but definitely involving other characters pretty liberally, especially the other feanorians.

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Homecoming by Grundy

The ships bearing the Army of the West are returning to Alqualondë. Eärwen's mother is waiting.

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Little Galadriel. by hennethgalad

Finarfin and his family make a garden for Galadriel's  seventh begetting day present.


25: 'start'  (photo prompt, sign painted on a gate by a child)

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The Grey Rain-Curtain by Lindariel

Galadriel returns to Valinor only to find it has changed beyond her imaginings.

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Fair Winds and Following Seas by bunn

The Noldor host of Aman is preparing for the War of Wrath. The High King's only living son and his wife are neither of them very happy about the situation.

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Setting a Precedent by Elwin Fortuna

When one woman threatens another in the marketplace, Finarfin must judge the circumstances and determine consequences.

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Battle Cry by Himring

On the battle cry of the Edain of the North--and the cry of Fingon on the first morning of the Dagor Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

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A Hairy Situation by eris_of_imladris

A young Celegorm questions his hair color after a remark from his older brother.

Written for the "Solve a Problem" challenge on the Silmarillion Writers Guild.

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Seahorses. by hennethgalad

Finarfin first meets Eärwen in Alqualondë.

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Fragments by SkyEventide

Short stories mostly in drabble form written for the Solstice Instadrabbling Challenge 2019 on the discord server.

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United, Divided: The War of Telerin Aggression by eris_of_imladris

Summary: The First Kinslaying and its aftermath told by the fighters on both sides and the ones they left behind.

Written for B2MEM 2019 with the prompts: “the War of Telerin Aggression,” battered but not broken (Fëanorians), crippled by worry, bruise (purple), royal (purple), Fëanor was framed.

Side Note: As someone born in the South, but to proud Northern parents, I’ve heard a lot of opinions about the phrase this parody comes from. I was intrigued by this idea even before all the cards were out, and I ended up choosing this card at least partially because I wanted to see what would happen if B14 was ever called. I’m very enthused about writing this out from multiple perspectives.

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Fear No Darkness by Independence1776

Two years after the Empire's birth, Imperial forces led by Darth Vader devastated the Arda system. A few hundred Quendi fled the system's takeover. Among them is Maglor Fëanorian, the lone survivor of his Jedi-trained House. He has spent the past three years hiding in plain sight as a singer for a starliner cruise company. Now he is about to strike off on his own as an independent cargo pilot, unsure of what the future will bring him.

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A loss of something ever felt I by arriviste

Five people Finarfin did not expect, and one he did.


It was the Silmarils that had sent Fëanor on his mad way to Beleriand like a falling star, pulling all the youth and brightness of my life in a long tail after him; and the very Silmaril Elwing and Ëarendil brought here now had drawn Finrod my son into darkness and death, and torn him to pieces.

"To be fair, that was the wolf,” Finrod said.

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Olwë's Home for Wayward Elves by Morcondil

A series of misadventures has left Galadriel in disgrace; Finarfin thinks a summer with Olwë might help his daughter find her way. After all: nothing exciting ever happens in Alqualondë. A story of questionable fashion choices, growing up, and finding one's place.

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Aftermath by Independence1776

In the brief period of calm between the end of the War and the Valinorean army sailing home to Aman, Maglor makes a decision.

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The Singer by MaglorTheMinstrel

He thinks that he's going insane, that only his now ruined music stays. His memories are fleeing, abandoning him. But some remain.

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Scattered Pearls by Grundy

"And many pearls they won for themselves from the sea, and their halls were of pearl, and of pearl were the mansions of Olwë at Alqualondë, the Haven of the Swans, lit with many lamps." The Lindar have their own history, and it's somewhat different in the telling than the Noldorin version.

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Cradle of Stars by Dawn Felagund, Elleth

After the Darkening of Valinor, Anairë is sent to Alqualondë to offer aid and allegiance after the horror of the kinslaying. There, she finds Eärwen, her lover of old and beloved friend, left to care for her people amid her own inconsolable grief. Anairë and Eärwen will care for each other as they mourn the myriad ways their lives have changed forever with the Darkening and the exile of Anairë's family. It may be the rekindling of their ancient love that is the only force with strength enough to save them--and their people. Anairë/Eärwen; written for the 2018 Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang.

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The darkening of hearts by Nuredhel

When Fëanor realize the truth about his son's realtionship with his cousin he tries to break the two apart by forcing Maedhros into a marriage. What he fails to realize is that he by doing this is introducing an innocent third person into the family, a young nis who does firmly believe that this will be the end of everything. How can she survive when hearts turn dark and cold and the light itself is stolen from them. Can she ever find true love? And will the truth about her unusual life ever be revealed?

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Open Up The Door by Tyelca

Shortly after arriving in Valinor, Elwing needs to understand. Taking her husband Eärendil with her, she enters the abandoned manor where Fëanor used to live.

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The Longest Journey I Have Known by grey_gazania

When Celebrían sails to Valinor following her attack and injury, she is accompanied by her friend Ianneth, wife of Fingon and mother of Gil-galad. Together, the two women seek to find a place in an unfamiliar land.

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