Fear No Darkness by Independence1776
Fanwork Notes
This is being written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2019 and will have frequent updates.
This story is a Silmarillion-Star Wars fusion. The rating may change to Mature/Adult as the story goes on. Given I picked two darkfic cards and the general timeline of the Star Wars universe, the story functions under Choose Not to Warn. The fic will remain gen.
For Star Wars canon: this relies mainly on the Prequel and Original Trilogies, plus a little bit of material from pre-New Jedi Order Legends and possibly the first three seasons of Rebels. I have not seen Clone Wars, so nothing from there will be in here, nor will material from other Disney canon.
For The Silmarillion: the First Age timeline has been greatly compressed to fit within the Star Wars universe, from about six hundred years to three weeks aka the Imperial invasion. Other changes made to Silmarillion material are likewise deliberate.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Two years after the Empire's birth, Imperial forces led by Darth Vader devastated the Arda system. A few hundred Quendi fled the system's takeover. Among them is Maglor Fëanorian, the lone survivor of his Jedi-trained House. He has spent the past three years hiding in plain sight as a singer for a starliner cruise company. Now he is about to strike off on his own as an independent cargo pilot, unsure of what the future will bring him. Major Characters: Original Character(s), Eärendil, Elwing, Finarfin, Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: Crossover Challenges: B2MeM 2019 Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Mild) This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 10 | Word Count: 19, 924 |
Posted on 1 March 2019 | Updated on 22 August 2022 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
B2MeM March 1 prompt: G48, Song Lyrics 1, "It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine."
I20, Darkness Darkness, separation
Prompts: O72: Color Burst Red, target and Deep Thoughts, we
The Star Wars character cameoing in this chapter is Kanan Jarrus, the adult male lead from Rebels. He survived Order 66 when he was fourteen and spent the next eight years hopping from short-term job to short-term job, drinking, and pretending he was never a Jedi. He won't show up in my fic again, but I love him too much not to have him cameo.
N42: Darkness Darkness, slavery
B12: Color Burst Green, secure and Late Great Mary Oliver, wild geese are headed home again
So I've more than doubled the story's wordcount; this chapter is nearly 5600 words. Also, I think, the last of the beginning flashback chapters.
B11: Color Burst Spectrum, snow cones and Food, stew
B7, Horror, mazes and labyrinths
For those who wondered if Lariesh would return, she's back! Also, I only have one chapter left to write (not to post), so I can definitively say this story will remain rated Teens with an overall warning for canon-typical violence.
I16, Color Burst Green, balanced
N39, Late Great Mary Oliver, "…makes me take measure of myself, one iota pondering heaven."
G57, Color Burst Indigo, truthfulness and Last Lines, "We'll think of something." -Zhan, Heir to the Empire
B10, Darkness Darknees, captivity
G48, Horror, chains, prisons, and torture
O68, Horror, footsteps and whispers
O67, Writer's Block Smash, an unexpected person on the other side of the door
I18, Song Lyrics 1, So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road
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