Fanworks Tagged with Violence (Mild)

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but for the look in his eyes by awwyeah107

When Maedhros goes to parley with Morgoth’s army after Fëanáro’s death, Celebrimbor sneaks out to join him, and the consequences are dire.

Rated M for graphic violence (primarily torture). First three chapters were posted only on AO3 in 2024.

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No Last Stand by elennalore

An Orc is writing to their loved one in the War of Wrath.

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She Hath My Love (Drabbles about Women) by Elrond's Library

A collection of drabbles about women in Tolkien's Legendarium. 

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Jubilee Instadrabbling 2025 by Lindariel

Eight perfect drabbles (and one bonus accidentally AU one) from the SWG Discord instadrabbling session in January 2025.

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Instadrabbles (delayed dribbles) by 0ur_Ouroboros

A selection of brief writings (mostly conforming to drabbles but some veer into dribble territory) from the SWG events on January 18-19, 2025.

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May you live in interesting times by 0ur_Ouroboros

There is no escaping guilt.


Maedhros finds another orphan in the woods.

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Freedom, Escape by StarSpray

“Elrond!” Elros screamed, and Elrond had time to see him being held back by Bregolon before everything went topsy-turvy, and the underbrush closed around him, branches and leaves slapping at his face. His head bounced against hard metal, and through the confusion he realized—too slowly—that it had not been one of their party who had grabbed him, but one of the orcs. 

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Be All My Sins Remembered by Marchwriter

With Nargothrond’s might diminishing and the Elves’ borders hard-pressed, Finrod welcomes the first Men into his ranks, but when their chieftain, Bëor, becomes dearer to him than mere vassal, Finrod faces sending his lover or himself into deadly peril as the Enemy breaches the Elves’ leaguer.

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The Reckless Hearts of Mortal Men by mouse

Two years before the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Húrin and Huor journey from Dor-lómin to Eithel Sirion for a war council with their new allies from the East. A story about the stirring of hope and foreshadowing of woe. Well-peppered with humour.

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Collection of Potluck Drabbles by Artano

This is a collection of true drabbles completed for the 'Four Words' drabble bingo card.

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Dust and Ashes by Artano

Húrin kills Mîm and wanders through the remains of a decaying city, the remnants of the peoples who once lived there and called it home.

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The Fall of Felagund by cuarthol

The song battle between Felagund and Sauron

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Sediments by polutropos

Elrond hears a call in the waters of the Bruinen and follows it to the sea. There he finds someone whose memory he has long ago put behind him, but whom he knows at once — only Maglor does not know him. As he revisits his past with Maglor, both painful and fond, Elrond must also reckon with Maglor’s loss of memory. How do you forgive someone who does not remember what he has done?

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Like his Father in Valour by chrissystriped

Eärnur fights the Witch-king and is offered a choice.

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The Point of the Needle by Rocky41_7

Maglor assists Maedhros with pain therapy, but his bedside manner is lacking.

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History abandons us by AdmirableMonster

During his incarceration in Roderick Burgess' basement, Dream receives a strange, ancient visitor.

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Fear the Thunder by between_thepages

Thunderstorms never bring good news, Anairë has noted. And the one keeping her up this night is certainly no exception.

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Wildflowers by Angamaite

Patrols upon the Ard-Galen are rarely events of great fanfare during times of peace.

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Dispossessed by stormfallen

The sons of Fëanor find their places. Or lose them.

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Tender Morsels by sallysavestheday

Fingon and Maedhros and the bittersweet taste of love.

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Little Stars by fingonsradharp

Elrond and Elros are kidnapped, again. But this time, the only people who are around to rescue them are their other kidnappers.

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do you remember when by yletylyf

During the War of Wrath, Sauron encounters an Eönwë down on his luck and lends a helping hand. At the end of the war, their positions are reversed. Eönwë only wishes a helping hand would be enough for Sauron.

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Northern Stars by Idrils Scribe

Aboard Galdor's warship, Glorfindel returns in triumph from a dangerous expedition deep into enemy territory. He has found Elrond's missing son, but all is not well: the Elf-child that was abducted by the Corsairs of Umbar is now a Man grown. War and darkness have left Elrohir deeply scarred, and he is not the mission's only casualty.

An alternate universe for the Under Strange Stars series, in which Elrohir goes with Glorfindel instead of running away from him after the events of Under Strange Stars. This story covers the events of ‘Northern Skies’, but it can be enjoyed without having read the original.

Many thanks to Grundy for all of her excellent beta-reading and brainstorming.e

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Círdan's Guide to sailing the Straight Road by daughterofshadows

The sea is full of dangers, and the Straight Road is no exception.
As my people now leave these shores behind, it is my hope that this book will be of aid to those who choose to sail in the years to come.
May it guide you safely across the sea and to the shores of Valinor and may the wind and the waves be ever in your favour.


"Travel advice was very helpful, but we were glad the people of Dol Amroth helped us to build the boat. 4/5 stars." - L&G


"Perhaps finding this book was a sign to finally sail and face whatever awaits me across the sea." - M. F.


"Mighty helpful book. Wouldn't have made it across the sea without it. Hope I'll get to say thank you in person someday. 5/5 stars." - S. G.

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