Tolkien Meta Week Starts December 8!
Join us December 8-14, here and on Tumblr, as we share our thoughts, musings, rants, and headcanons about all aspects of Tolkien's world.
Choose a female character from The Silmarillion or related texts. It could be someone like Galadriel, one of the Valar, or someone barely mentioned, such as Nerdanel or Elenwë. Write a story--any length--about this character, developing a strong personality for her. Her strengths could lie in many different areas: Perhaps the woman would be a good mother, perform an act of heroism, or be a healer or a teacher, but she must contribute something of value.
Tolkien is often criticized for the lack of strong female characters in his work, yet the stories of Middle-earth would be vastly different without characters like Varda, Galadriel, Haleth, and Lúthien Tinúviel.
Nonetheless, there are still many women who receive only glancing acknowledgment or appear only as "footnote" characters--regardless, their influence on their husbands, children, and the world around them is undeniable.
This challenge allows both for the development of strict canon characters within the confines of Tolkien's world or for those more AU-inclined to create wholly new characters from those women whose canon role extends little beyond being the wife or mother of someone more important.
Still at a loss? Consider the vast number of women who appear in The Silmarillion and it affiliated works. Or maybe your feeling like taking on a truly challenging challenge, writing a character you've never tried before? Choose at random one of the women from a list of canon female characters, give her a significant role, and bring her to life on the page.
Historical Note: This was the first SWG challenge and set the stage for our ongoing work elevating and encouraging fanworks featuring marginalized groups.
This challenge opened in .
The Elves make no song of Fingolfin's last stand. One of the Edain, however, did.
Galadriel remembers a long-ago night and an old lost love.
Once Morwen finally arrives in Doriath to be reunited with her son, she learns that not all of her sacrifices made have been in vain.
Written for Ludovica for Sultry in September 2013.
Just a scrap of not much of anything. For a Femslash Friday submission. Not very slashy even under a microscope. But if I say it is, it is. The requirements are actually flexible. Women liking women is sufficient. (Birthday girl, Zeen, I hope you do not think I am a cheapskate for doubling up a ficlet for you into a challenge entry!)
When the Istyari of Second Age Ost-in-Edhil deny her a place in an important new initiative to be taken up by the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, a young master smith struggles to make her mark in the man's realm of the forges. An opportunity arrives when the smith is offered a commission that will present challenges of both mind and heart.
Rated Adult. Specific advisories will be posted per chapter as needed.
Two — count 'em, two — new chapters posted!
Chapter 10, In the Bright Light of Morning
Summary: The morning after arriving in Ost-in-Edhil, Elrond and Erestor each suffer from the aches and pains of the long road from Mithlond as well as from other sources.
Chapter 11, The Path's Heart
Summary: Elrond finds a nearly comatose Mélamírë in dire straits. She resists his attempts to reach her through sanwe-latya, until, with her permission, he gives her a bitter medicine that allows them to share a dream, called the lugnolossê by an ancient shaman of the Unbegotten.
As she faces the concequences of her sons and husband's actions daily, Nerdanel must make a decision how to face tomorrow.
~ MEFA 2009: First Place in Genres: Drama: House of Finwë
Contests of strength and spirit come in all forms; and can sometimes lead to unexpected rewards. A mega-drabble, in that it started out as a short ficlet and finished at 900 words.
There are any number of unnamed women in Tolkien's canon who surely played important roles behind the scenes. One of these women is Elendil's wife, the mother of Isildur and Anárion. She figures as a supporting character in my WIP, The Elendilmir, but this strong woman is taking on a life of her own. So, to keep the bunnies from gnawing my ankles raw, I have been writing ficlets about Isilmë, some of which may blossom into full-fledged stories in the future.
MEFA 2008: Second Place, Times, Second and Early Third Age, General.
Galadriel's return to Aman prompts Indis to reflect on the state of her fragmented family and defunct marriage.
Valinor has been plunged into darkness, most of the Noldor have gone into exile, and the Teleri grieve for those lost in the kinslaying. The Valar have turned their backs on the remaining Noldor--left without a king--and chaos rules the streets of Tirion. Can Eärwen, the quiet wife of a third-born prince, find the courage and strength to save her husband's people? 2008 MEFA nominee.
Nerdanel finally meets her nemesis: the one who caused the rift in her marriage to Fëanor. What did she had to say to them?
*added: The Silmarillion Writers Guild Back to Middle-earth 2008 narrative*
~ MEFA 2008 First Place in Genres: Drama: Featuring the Noldor - Thank you Robinka for nominating it! ~
For Jenni, a more realistic interpretation of Luthien's story, how she came to enter her people's legends, how she met Beren, and how Finrod got himself into deep trouble. MEFA 2008 nominee.
A young child of Men befriends Sámaril, the troubled master smith of Imladris. The Noldorin craftsman experiences the joy and pain born of friendships between the Eldar and mortal Men and comes to question his people’s values as his life becomes entwined with Isildur’s youngest son and two powerful women of the Dúnedain. A sequel to The Apprentice.
Chapter 38 - The Crow's Nest: While Elerina establishes her informal seat of power in Gaillond, thus revealing to Sámaril her former role as Isildur's queen, the elven-smith quickly becomes bored with trade negotiations and resolution of disputes among the local nobility. The reminders of Isildur continue to exert a negative effect on Sámaril, causing frustration between the couple. But Sámaril also begins to dream of the Sea, which sparks a desire to take ship out on to the open waters, ostensibly to learn more about the working men of the Númenórean exiles. He finds the ship on which he wishes to sail and meets its captain.
On the eve of her wedding night, Amarië has a startling revelation about herself and her love for Finrod.
Nerdanel cannot longer withstand a lament.
What were Mithrellas thoughts on the eve when she left her family behind on Middle Earth?