Unconquered by Rhapsody
Fanwork Notes
For Ludovica for the Sultry in September 2013 event.
Ludovica's request: Requested pairing = Any femslash pairing (any race is fine, but please no genderbending)
Story elements = AU (still middle earth, but maybe alternative history or alternative cultures to accommodate the trope), one character taking another as Spoils of War, domination to any degree
Do NOT include = outright rape, main-character death
A Big thank you goes out to the fantastic Trekqueen who has been a great help as a beta and a dear friend. Any mistakes that are left are mine. Thank you Red for being such a support when I could not make the deadline due to circumstances.
Additional warnings that might apply: this story contains allusions/mentions to rape, experiences of thraldom/slaver and kink.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Once Morwen finally arrives in Doriath to be reunited with her son, she learns that not all of her sacrifices made have been in vain. Written for Ludovica for Sultry in September 2013. Major Characters: Aerin, Brodda, Galadriel, Lorgan, Melian, Morwen, Nienor, Original Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, Erotica, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Canon with a Twist, Gift of a Story, International Day of Femslash 2013, Strong Women Rating: Adult Warnings: Torture, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic), Violence (Graphic) |
Chapters: 3 | Word Count: 7, 610 |
Posted on 2 September 2013 | Updated on 2 September 2013 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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