Competition by Raksha The Demon

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Fanwork Notes



Fanwork Information


Contests of strength and spirit come in all forms; and can sometimes lead to unexpected rewards.  A mega-drabble, in that it started out as a short ficlet and finished at 900 words.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Galadriel, Lúthien Tinúviel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General, Romance

Challenges: Strong Women

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 014
Posted on 6 December 2008 Updated on 6 December 2008

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Competition

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AMy apologies for the belated review, Raksha, but I loved this short story mega-drabble (a rose of Lúthien by any other name ;^)) as much or more with yet another re-reading as compared to the first time I read it. As a former runner (OK, jogger, but with some speedwork now and then), I loved the detailing of Artanis' preparations for the race and how you captured her competitive spirit and the race itself so well.  I love the concept of the Great Games and the neat little details like the length of Tulkas' foot as a unit of measure and Daeron's horn starting the race.

The last scene with Celeborn's bequeathing of Artanis' epessë is most smileworthy: the beginning of a legendary relationship.

And a belated thanks for your review!

I'm so pleased that you could relate to the story as a runner and jogger.  (I have never been either, or at least not run much since field hockey games in high school) I was inspired by the original Olympics, and the televised current Olympics, and the intensity of preparations and focus that some high-level athletes seem to have.  And I think that Artanis was a rather competitive person; hopefully Aman won't be too dull for her when she returns there in the Fourth Age (I would think that the Elves who return from Middle-earth after the First Age and most especially after the Third are going to have a lot of trouble adjusting to all that tranquility). 


I figure that Celeborn had to be a very special individual for Galadriel to fall for him above all others.