Aftermath by Independence1776

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Fanwork Notes

This is where I point out the line from my series summary: "The series may have references to and graphic descriptions of torture." I use Choose Not to Warn for a reason in this dark AU.

Fanwork Information


In the brief period of calm between the end of the War and the Valinorean army sailing home to Aman, Maglor makes a decision.

Major Characters: Eönwë, Finarfin, Galadriel, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Alternate Universe


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 3, 113
Posted on 1 December 2018 Updated on 9 December 2018

This fanwork is complete.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

This is the first of two chapters; the second will be up next weekend.

Comments on Aftermath

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There is so much to say about this chapter.

Poor Maglor and all that he endured at Morgoth's hand. It put a very different spin on things. But I like that he and his uncle are not only coming to terms with all that has happened, especially to Maglor, but slowly taking the steps in beginning to repair the relationship between their respective sides of the family and all that that encompasses.

True to form Arafinwe is the voice of nonjudgment and compassion, just sitting with Maglor and lending an ear and possibly a perspective and I loved that he embraced Maglor, it was a meaningful end to the chapter.

Yes, after everything that happened, it's difficult to imagine that the remnants of Maglor's family would continue to exclude him entirely. Will there be difficulties because of Maglor's crimes? Absolutely. But the jagged edges are incrementally being worn down.

I'm glad you loved Finarfin embracing Maglor!

Thank you!

Being a Maglor softie, I like the end you are giving him, not  alone and grieving forever still bound by the Oath but with family: Uncle Finarfin lends a shoulder and Mum Nerdanel won't leave him on his own regardless of what might happen . Eonwe is not usually portrayed as very simpathetic to the Feanorian plight but you allowed him to do his duty while helping to fulfill the Oath.

AU at its best!