The Scented Pleasure Garden by whitewave

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Fanwork Notes

Pruning the Blackhorny

 *This delightful drawing was a birthday gift from Pandemonium_213!  

I was inspired by a thick gardening book on Roses I saw in the bookstore earlier and could not help but taking another swipe at my favorite elf muses in The Silmarillion.  No offense is meant to anyone except to the Houses of Fëanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin!

I also recalled (much, much later after I started writing this) about reading about Maitimo's fondness for cultivating roses in Dawn's stories:  "Another Man's Cage" and "By The Light of Roses".   

2009 MEFA - 2nd Place - Humor: Elven Legends

Fanwork Information


A very irreverent and heretical look at the Silmarillion Elves in terms of their "horticultural" potential. Has very strong sexual innuendo and adult language.  You have been warned. *Complete!

***Some varieties were updated on Jan 1, 2009 to include my LJ friends' names in their particular muse's entry.

Chibis generated from this site:

Major Characters: Aegnor, Angrod, Aredhel, Argon, Beleg, Celeborn, Celebrimbor, Círdan, Daeron, Ecthelion of the Fountain, Egalmoth, Elenwë, Elu Thingol, Eärwen, Eöl, Fëanor, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Finwë, Galadriel, Galdor of the Tree, Glorfindel, Idril, Indis, Ingwë, Lúthien Tinúviel, Mablung, Maeglin, Míriel Serindë, Nerdanel, Orodreth, Oropher, Rog, Rúmil (Valinor), Saeros, Salgant, Sauron, Sons of Fëanor, Thranduil, Valar

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 9 Word Count: 13, 086
Posted on 3 May 2008 Updated on 18 January 2009

This fanwork is complete.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

HairCommander - Fingon; IronNoble - Angrod;  Silverfist - Celebrimbor

Bumper crop -  an unusually large crop growth and harvest
Cash crop – any crop that is considered as easily marketable such as wheat or cotton

Chibified author grafting Feanaro BlackHornies with Nerdanels :^)


Hi!  Apologies for the very long waiting time between the updates.  The past month was insane at work.  Thanks for bearing with me.  I'm working on Finarfinapsida at the very moment and should be able to post soon.

Many thanks to Dawn Felagund for her Beta work, although I made a few "additions" to the chapter I'm posting now.  All errors are definitely mine.   

Tending to the Fingolfins in servant's uniforms

Alternative title would be:  My Worst Blond Jokes

This chapter is dedicated to Dawn Felagund, who beta'd this chapter.  Thanks to Alassante for sharing the meaning of Celeborn/Teleporno's name in the SWG Yahoo group digests.

Being Blonde while spraying peroxide 


This chapter is dedicated to Rhapsody and Robinka, esp. the Beleg (a.k.a. Strongbow) entry, and Alassante for starting the "Teleporno" thread in SWG Yahoo groups.  Having said that, this chapter is definitely not for the pure-hearted.

No beta for this chapter. Hope it's not too much of an eyesore.

*Sep 20 - added "Nice and Heavy/Mablung".

Tending Sinda blooms

Hi sorry for the late update--I have been busy.  I've also updated Chapter 4 to add "Nice and Heavy" or Mablung.  No beta for this chapter.

Tending Vanya blooms

There are very few Teleri so I changed my style a bit. 

No beta for this chapter.  

Telerin blossoms all around


This is the last chapter for this series!

Comments on The Scented Pleasure Garden

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

OMG! This was hysterical! :D :D :D Stroke of comic genius! (And it wasn't overly clever of me to have started this at work. People gave me strange looks, believe me ;)).

I will be watching this, especially eager to see what you will come up with regarding my fav Sindar. :D

Absolutely brilliant! Thank you a million for writing and sharing this with us. 

Yes please more! I carefully did not drink because oh my!

The most popular though is Erotica.  Most growers are of the opinion that that's the only thing that they are good for.  

*batters eyelashes*

And what’s more, these blooms are not very particular about the type of plot so long as you give an inordinate amount of attention to their fair and well-formed good-looks.

Absolutely, it prevents from you having a hang over too after being around them too much (rich scent ;))!

 If this pestilence goes unchecked, growers run the risk of having their vehicles, property and even their very bodies overrun by the Fëanaro BlackHorny or having a raging fire consume their entire garden.


 2)  Macalaure – Strong Gold --  Horny Harpist

Simply brilliant!

But oh my goodness, this is such a good one!

 4)  Red-Faced – the Dark -  the DarkHorse -  the Dark Knight  -- Batman - Bruce Wayne

 Thanks for a couple of more plot panda's !

 I am really looking forward to the Fingolfinopsida class, so in full manner: plse update soon!!!!111


After your other writings, I knew from experience to shut the door, and stay away from beverages... which was lucky, because I started giggling hysterically within a couple sentences, and I’m having trouble typing now, because I have to pause every few seconds to burst out laughing again.  I am not generally a person that laughs out loud in fanfiction, but yours always seems to do it.

"Elvis(h) is Alive” Society” ... Oh, god...

I don’t think I need to quote your whole story to you.  I think you already know that you’re fantastic.  I love passing out concrit but I just can’t think of anything.  (Well, except that when you said “you fancyight have a permanent limp!” was there a typo in there, or am I totally missing something because I’m half asleep?)  Any time you mentioned Fingon with Maedhros I... well, I was already laughing, but I think those were probably the best parts, in my opinion.

I really don’t like Turgon and therefore loved seeing him mocked (because the next best thing to making fun of the characters you love is doing the same to the ones you hate)... and, as I have even stronger disdain for Finarfin, I absolutely can’t wait for the Finarfinapsida.  So thank you, thank you, thank you for a wonderful read... I can go to sleep happy, now.

Thank you for the review.  I thought I've "outgrown" my former tendency of getting excited about reviews, but apparently I never will.  It's good to hear that you're taking "precautions" now before reading the stuff I write.  It's good enough for me that somebody actually reacted to it, so I'm really very happy that it made you and others laugh. 

Yes, it was a typo.  Good catch. I have this irritating tendency of revising the text even while I'm posting--I've correctred it.  Thanks.  I'm also very fascinated with Fingon, esp. the pictures by Diana Hann in  Yes, he's gonna be part of my other story "A Mary Sue Among Us."  I'm almost done with Chap 3.


A hilarious follow-up to Feanarapsida!

The Valar Intervention spray and Eol's two magic swords were hilarious, and I was in stitches upon reading the Warning for the Fingolfin plant.

(Btw: I went back and read the first chapter again. I don't know how I missed your note on Mary Suelimina the first time!)

Another gem of a chapter!


Oh my goodness, I will never ever get the image of hair commander out of my head again when I will read future Fingon stories. *snickers* So trumpets get Fingolfin in the mood? Just the thought how that looks like has me cracking up again. I thought I nearly choked on my tea there, next follow up is the two swords of Eöl and Long Lost.

My inspiration for the “Elvis” angle was Breogan’s close-up headshot of Fingolfin at, which reminded me of one of Elvis Presley’s portraits.   

Absolutely, good catch!!! And that with the oh so fitting 'Blue-Suede-Shoes' & 'Hound Dog': just perfect. Thanks for making me laugh so hard!

Yes, I liked the whole Hair Commander thing too and the trumpets.  I'm afraid I will always associate Fingolfin with gold trumpets. I still have a few other parodies coming up and I'll try to work on them soon. 

Muchos Gracias for the review.  I am quite in the "productive" mode today and plus it is fun to be creative in this site.  Maybe someday I'll write something decent but in the meantime, I'm glad I "moved" here from 

I'm seriously beginning to think that you want me to die from laughter. Seriously, LOL. This is getting better and better with each posted chapter. :D

Imagine bursting in to rhyme in front of your boss!

Imagine me bursting in frantic giggles in front of my co-worker crew ;)

Thank you so much for updating. It was the highlight of my day. I'm looking forward to seeing what you will do with the Sindarapsida :D 

Oh just when you think you haven't laughed so hard, you just manage to evoke that emotion all over again! And since I am a blonde, I guffawed so often. Simply brilliant. I mean

Sometimes, the Finarfin will "self-pollinate" and produce an "Orodreth" all by itself

 *snickers* I just can't wait to see what you will be doing with the Sindar!

Imagine bursting in to rhyme in front of your boss!

I burst into hysterical laughter in school, infront of new students. Great way to impress new students... :D

 I read Fingolfin's chapter and Finarfin's chapter, and especially liked Dubious. An apt decription for him. I loved the idea of Finarfin self pollinating Orodreth.... :) Man Maiden is certainly a verstilie plant, but you have not spoken of what happens when she is paired with Silver Member!

Cannot wait to see what happens with the Sindar.


Hi! Thanks for reading and reviewing.  I've been busy voting in the MEFA's but I have started on the Sindar. 

Oh gosh, did you really laugh out loud?  I sometimes smile too widely in the office while writing snippets of my silly-fics at work (I don't want to lose the idea), so I have to make excuses a lot :^>.

A few people seemed to like the "bursting into rhyme" line a lot, to think that I added it at the last minute.  :^>   You'll hear more about Man Maiden soon. 

Ahhh ok this is amazing, as usual.  Favorite bits?

“Family:   Lookatme”

“As much as possible, do not place in close proximity with “Red-Faced” of the Fëanariapsida class or the two plants may try to harm each other.  It is advisable to plant a Russandol in between them.”

“Do not expose to Frodo Halfling shrubs because it causes the Man Maiden to double its height and turn a sickly crocodile green color.”

“String Super Silmaril Fertilizer Balls around a naked Nerdanel to distract the Fëanaro BlackHorny and string lots of shiny gems around a naked Legolas to distract the Gimli.”

Don’t think I need to spell out why those are funny... ;)

And Teleporno... god, I still haven’t recovered from that "definition".  I think I will be doomed to burst into laughter every time I hear him mentioned, ever again.

Thanks for a great read!

Hee hee! I loved "Doria the Explorer" and "Thingol Bells" especially.

As for Cuthalion - No Beleg/Turin? *cries*. Oh, well...

"Randy Thrandy" - lol! The entire section on Celeborn was also hilarious.

After reading your fic, I will probably always think of Cirdan as 'Popeye' - random but funny.

As for the Vanyar, Teleri, and Avari - if you can find any characters, please continue!

Mistrali :)

Hi!  Thanks for taking the time to drop me a note, it always makes my day.  I had a lot of fun writing this too and yes, I think I'll continue--three more chapters shouldn't be hard. I've tagged Beleg as "Strongbow" and have made a few additions.  The Popeye idea was a fairly last-minute addition and I'm happy to hear that you liked it.

Mene, mene thanks for the uptade! :D I read it last night and rolled on the floor with laughter! (But I was too exhausted to type a proper review, sorry! -- FYI: my town got flooded and it wasn't fun at all.). You've outdone yourself in this chapter. This is just so so so funny! Cirdan -- Popeye! LMAO! Beleg -- Robin Hood! JesusChirst! (How did you know that I love Robin Hood too? Can you possibly read my mind? ;)). And Teleporno is hysterical! :D

Please continue! It would be a total shame if you didn't write more. And thank you tons for dedicating the Sindarapsida to me among others. I'm honored. :D

Keep up the amazing work!



Hi Binka!  Thanks for the review, I wanted to do cartwheels after I read it (I'm very easy to please).  I'm sorry to hear about the flooding in your town, hope it's OK now.  

I love Robin Hood too--I actually discovered my "fangirlitis" tendency after watching a scorching hot TV series of this archer way way back.  I've made some additions to "Strongbow".

Chocolate-coated Belegs


Strongbow - (...) Binka's Delight

*melts even more*

As for that Robin Hood series, was it "Robin of Sherwood" with Michael Praed, perhaps? (My all time favorite version of Robin's adventures).

As for my hometown, we're okay, but it was scary yesterday, I can tell you. *sigh*

Thank you once again! Brilliant writing :D 

Oh my goodness! Hot Sinda elves and whatdoyaknow about Celeborn huh? You hefner, I mean now when I will see Martin Csokas in the movies, all I can think off is:

When the plant’s stamina is low, just place two “AA” Battery Fertilizer tubes at the roots and revolving pearl rings along the cane to revive it

(well he does feel like he's a bit outta stamina in his scenes)

Oh and:

 Botanical tests have shown that while looking placid on ground level, the two plants are actually trying to strangle each other’s roots.   You can go around this silent animosity by placing them in reinforced concrete pots and by spending equal time with each so they won’t feel jealous.

I am not sure if paying extra attention to Cirth singer will land so well with  Hasty Riser ;)

 Just fabulous, even the Rhapsody in Gray, one can not have enough sexy Sinda elves (I missed Mablung of the Heavy Hand though). And I say aye to the Vanya, Teleri and Avari, perhaps there is also inspiration for the Laiquendi and the Gondolindrim?  :D

Oh, man.  This is an especially choice entry in the annals of the Eldarin Horticultural Society.  There are so many bits that made me LOL (yes, I did) in this latest:

"This exceptionally beautiful plant produces the famed long and thick spears of its class, but it is also known to cause tremendous geographical upheavals (i.e. garden plots sink to the sea even if your location is completely land-locked)"

The entirety of The Scented Pleasure Garden is a real hoot!  Humor's a funny thing (har) in that it is highly personal as far as tastes go, but yours hits the spot and then some for me.  In addition to the riffs on the Silm and my favorite tribes and individuals, my undergrad major was botany and I still like to garden so the descriptions and your fantastic classifications send me over the edge with laughter.

Keep 'em coming!  I love this series!

Thank you very much for redaing and reviewing, it's always great to get feedback. I'm also having loads of fun writing this piece, I intended to write only about the Feanorians but I just couldn't help it! It has never been the same for me whenever I step inside a flower shop, I always imagine my crazy specimens.  ;-P

"I'll be Telerin"! OMG! I think I'll start using this quote (and I wonder how many people in RL around me will actually understand me, hehehe). Will you give me your permission? I'll make sure to credit properly ;)

I love it. LOL! Again, a hilarious chapter, and I very much look forward to reading about the Gondolindrim, because I suspect something about Golden Flowers... hmmmm?

Thank you for updating :)