Fanworks Tagged with Salgant

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Those whom Doom will not release by AdmirableMonster

As the refugees regroup in the first aftermath of the Fall of Gondolin, one loremaster survives and tries to understand.

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Pennas Pengolodh by AdmirableMonster

The majority of the Silmarillion was penned by a single Elf--an Elf who was so thoroughly written out as to appear only through the ways in which their perspective shaped the stories we see. This is their story, the historian's history, the Pennas Pengolodh.

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Harp and Liar by AdmirableMonster

Stinging from his defeat in a musical competition at the Mereth Aderthad, Maglor unexpectedly makes friends with a deaf child.

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Words of Wisdom by AdmirableMonster

One or more drabbles about Pengolodh and his babysitter Salgant.

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Waltzing with you by daughterofshadows

It's a nice evening and Laurendil is trying to teach Rog to dance.

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Les Mots de Sagesse by AdmirableMonster

Plusieurs petites histoires qui parle de Pengolodh et Salgant pendant des moments differents.

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Bells and Drum by Himring

Playing in Gondolin on the feast of Tarnin Austa (no, not that last Tarnin Austa), Salgant remembers a long-ago music lesson in Valinor.

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We Built This City by Grundy

Turgon's city is still just a dream. It will take good planning and hard work to make his vision a reality.

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We'll dance among the stars by daughterofshadows

We spend some time with our friends from Gondolin, learn about Nellas and Galdor's relationship in this universe and do a lot of worldbuilding.


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Winterwonderland by daughterofshadows

The first snow of the year has come! Time to go outside and have some fun!

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The Seven Gates by Laerthel

The impossible happened – a Silmaril has been stolen from Morgoth’s crown. Maedhros decides to reunite the People of Beleriand against the Enemy and attack him while he is still unprepared (which is by no means less impossible). Meanwhile, in the hidden city of Gondolin, Lord Glorfindel of the Golden Flower pursues the meaning of his recurring nightmares, only to find himself in the centre of a secret ploy against the ever-growing power of Maeglin Lómion in the King’s Council.

The People of Beleriand are astir; and as the strings of our heroes’ fates tangle, a dark shadow creeps above the North – the Fifth Battle approaches. And to what end, no one could dream...

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Bloody Silmarils - Series by Dilly

In Gondolin, Turgon is depressed...

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Kindness doesn't cost anything by Tilperiel

It doesn't do to judge others by your own standards, if your own standards involve looking down on people.

Written for Day 4 of Gondolin Week

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Comeuppance by Tilperiel

If you're going to upset the lords of Gondolin and get caught, you should probably expect some retribution.
Especially if your name is Salgant.

Written for Gondolin Week Day 3

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The Song of Our Making by Tilperiel

The tale of how four left the hidden city of Gondolin and only three returned.

Aredhel thinks she's got everything as she wants it, but Turgon has his reasons for allowing her to leave the city and he's not above using manipulation. Glorfindel and Ecthelion are caught in the middle of a political ploy and poor Egalmoth is dragged along for the ride. Throw in some giant spiders and everything was bound to go to hell.

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Outsiders of Gondolin Mutual Defence League by Himring

In Gondolin, a fat elf attempts to befriend a sad elf. 
At first, things don't look very promising. 
But maybe the friendship will turn out deeper and more real for it, in the long run.

Now added: a prologue and six chapters.

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Breathless by elfscribe

Glorfindel knows that his clandestine affair with King Turgon will cause a scandal if discovered, especially since the King has outlawed all sexual relationships. But when Glorfindel seeks to understand his own heart, he discovers how impossible it is to keep secrets in Gondolin’s closed community.  Written for 2016 MSV.


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The Sentiment of Steel by Kenaz

The Sentiment of Steel, or "Sentiment du Fer": a fencer’s ability to use his sword to feel and manipulate the opponent’s sword. A concept with which Glorfindel and Ecthelion are far too familiar.

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Maudits silmarils, livre 1 by Dilly

A Gondolin, Turgon déprime... Une parodie crack du Silmarillion façon Kaamelott et Sacré Graal. Livre terminé ! 

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"A Song About Kingfishers" & "Kingfisher in Flight" by Himring

Young Maedhros, baby Maglor and a drawing.

Now added: a sequel about Nerdanel, her elder son and the lost drawing (Kingfisher in Flight)

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Quo Vadis? by Tehta

As Gondolin burns, Salgant—ever an artist—chooses his fate.

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Strange Fortunes by Tehta

The city of Gondolin is at peace, and yet several of its citizens harbour resentments, ambitions, and unnatural desires: Maeglin longs to assume his rightful position as Turgon's heir and Idril's spouse; Salgant hopes to avenge himself for past humiliations; and Ecthelion and Glorfindel indulge in deception even as they devote their lives to duty. Many secrets will be revealed, but only slowly and with much confusion, in this comedy of misunderstandings.  

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The Isles of Cinnamon by oshun

SWG Back to Middle-earth Month 2011 challenges: Day 15, The Shire; the cuisine of The Shire is unsurpassed. Write a story or poem, or create a work of art, featuring food. And Day 18, Wilderland; the act of kindness or hospitability usually comes from a generous heart. Write a story where your character displays this virtue.

It is fanon that Elves can never be fat. It is my invention, but I believe a plausible one, that spices would be hard to come by in the hidden city of Gondolin. Idril plans a sumptuous dinner for guests, including Salgant, Lord of the House of the Harp (who is described in The Book of Lost Tales II as “heavy and squat”). Tuor enjoys admiring his wife and young son and tiny Eärendil dreams of sailing to faraway places. Oh, my! Almost forgot to thank Elleth and Erulisse at the Lizard Council for nitpicking this one. Thank you, again!

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Lost Tales of Gondolin by darthfingon

The Lost Tales of Gondolin, which by all rights should have remained Lost.

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