The Isles of Cinnamon by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Shire Passport StampWilderland Passport Stamp

Fanwork Information


SWG Back to Middle-earth Month 2011 challenges: Day 15, The Shire; the cuisine of The Shire is unsurpassed. Write a story or poem, or create a work of art, featuring food. And Day 18, Wilderland; the act of kindness or hospitability usually comes from a generous heart. Write a story where your character displays this virtue.

It is fanon that Elves can never be fat. It is my invention, but I believe a plausible one, that spices would be hard to come by in the hidden city of Gondolin. Idril plans a sumptuous dinner for guests, including Salgant, Lord of the House of the Harp (who is described in The Book of Lost Tales II as “heavy and squat”). Tuor enjoys admiring his wife and young son and tiny Eärendil dreams of sailing to faraway places. Oh, my! Almost forgot to thank Elleth and Erulisse at the Lizard Council for nitpicking this one. Thank you, again!

Major Characters: Eärendil, Idril, Salgant, Tuor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: B2MeM 2011

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 754
Posted on 20 March 2011 Updated on 20 March 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Isles of Cinnamon

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Thanks so much for reading, Himring. Earendil is yet another case where I learned to like a character not from reading the Silm, but only after doing detailed research on him. Fascinating that both Tuor and Earendil are drawn to the sea, but we find them living in a landlocked secret city. Fives me a bit of perspective on Earndil spending so much time away from his wife and children.

I enjoyed this little family moment. That was an interesting thing about cinnamon, I hope Eärendil (and Tuor, too) had the chance to smell them during their travels, before each headed West.

By the self-satisfied way she lifted her chin one might have thought she had prepared the meal herself, instead of only supervising the head cook and her two apprentices while she fiddled with the fanciful presentation of jewel-toned jellies and marmalades.

That part made me smile :D

Thanks for reading!!

I could not resist wondering how Tuor might have viewed Idril playing in the kitchen or if her desire to putter around in the kitchen would have been connected to her intimacy to Tuor who knew how real people, outside of Turgon's court, lived.

I think that Earendil for certain would have encourtered cinnamon on M-e side of the sundering seas. But no reason why both of them would not have encountered it in Aman, which would have the climate for it.