The Song of Our Making by Tilperiel
Fanwork Notes
Dear lovely readers,
This novel has been the culmination of many years of putting together various headcanons and characterisations, a lot of which have changed, been adapted and morphed through that time, before they have become what I have tried to put together in this first tale. I deal mainly in canon, with the very obvious addition of the main ship within, so for those familiar with LaCE this is very heavy with the Laws that Tolkien set down. I make no apologies, but this means that inevitably there are themes which may be jarring and very much not in line with our modern views of relationships. I understand that some may find this distasteful or even upsetting, so consider this your warning before you decide to read on.
For those who do decide to read, I intend to provide fortnightly updates and rest assured, this is an already completed work, so you don't have to worry about my disappearing without it being finished.
The rating is set at mature for later chapters, however I don't wish for anyone to start reading and then for the rating to jump up without warning for anyone who prefers gen themes.
If you feel the need to ask me anything or just to shout at me in caps, you can find me on Tumblr via Goldenglorfindel or send me a message here.
Thank you forever to my wonderfully witty and talented friend Mirtathor for the Beta - because double semi-colons are evil and you all have her to thank for not having them inflicted upon you.
Part of the Silver & Gold series
Fanwork Information
Summary: The tale of how four left the hidden city of Gondolin and only three returned. Aredhel thinks she's got everything as she wants it, but Turgon has his reasons for allowing her to leave the city and he's not above using manipulation. Glorfindel and Ecthelion are caught in the middle of a political ploy and poor Egalmoth is dragged along for the ride. Throw in some giant spiders and everything was bound to go to hell. Major Characters: Aranwë, Aredhel, Beleg, Ecthelion of the Fountain, Egalmoth, Elu Thingol, Fingolfin, Glorfindel, Lalwen, Rog, Saeros, Salgant, Turgon, Voronwë Major Relationships: Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic), Violence (Moderate) |
Chapters: 8 | Word Count: 40, 542 |
Posted on 21 March 2019 | Updated on 16 June 2019 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
Youngsters discovering themselves and the importance of talking instead of making assumptions
A warning for violence and death in this chapter.
The one where the rating jumps up.
A first visit to Menegroth and then return to Nevrast
Returning to Nevrast to face the music.
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