The Song of Our Making by Tilperiel

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No Turning Back

The one where the rating jumps up.

The storm lasted far longer than they had been prepared for and the two elves stayed in the cottage as the snow grew deeper all around them. The path through the trees would be virtually impassable to ride, even if they had had the mind or strength to start out on the journey ahead. They ventured out to see to the horses, making sure they were warm enough and with food, but nothing more.

Conversation was sparse, each in his own head as the events that had passed sank in and they came to terms with the loss of more loved ones, speaking in quiet tones when they did talk, as if each were afraid of breaking the other.

Peeling his breeches back with a wince from his thigh as they had washed the dirt and ichor of the battle away, Glorfindel had found he had been injured without even noticing, the dried blood sticking them to him where claws had rent a gash. It bled a little again as the fabric was moved away and Ecthelion had helped him clean it and apply poultice with gentle fingers, making sure the wound wouldn’t become infected, and had bound it with a strip of torn cloth.

“We’ll have to make a move soon. The provisions are starting to run low.”

Ecthelion came to sit beside Glorfindel, who was cross legged on the bed, watching the snow as it fell, unrelenting, outside the window.  

“Yes,” he replied quietly, without looking around, “I know but-“

Neither wanted to make the journey, it felt incredibly wrong and they’d been shying away from discussing it. They knew that they should take the ladies to Menegroth, that their people would expect it of them and deserved to know what had happened. They would have been missed already. The thought of carrying them there though was almost too hard to bear and then there was the fact that Glorfindel, at least, held himself to account for not insisting they postpone their journey.

“There was nothing anyone could have done. Please, Laurë-“ Ecthelion shifted closer and tentatively put his arm around his chest to pull Glorfindel back against him, who twisted and curled on his side, tucking his head under Ecthelion’s chin. “Stop blaming yourself, it's not your fault.”

“I knew something was coming, I could feel it. I should have-“

“No.” Ecthelion cut him off in a louder voice then softened again. “No Laurë, no. We’ve been over this already. The fault lies with Morgoth and Morgoth alone. He’s the only one to blame here. To think, it could have been us too-“

He reached and gently placed his fingers over the spot of the mostly healed wound on Glorfindel’s leg and held his breath, clearly forcing back the tidal surge of emotions. He let it out slowly and Glorfindel took his hand and turned in fully, dipping his head onto his chest. Ecthelion dropped kisses into his hair, loose and thick rather than his usual neat braiding.

Shifting his limbs into more comfortable positions, Ecthelion found himself with a lap full of Glorfindel, who looked up at him with pain-filled, overbright eyes. He reached out to smooth the locks from his face, hating to see him so sorrowful when he was almost always full of cheer and the quickest to laughter. He found himself missing the sound of it greatly.

“Don’t leave?” he asked sadly, heart aching as he cupped his cheek. He didn’t think he would actually depart, but he needed to be certain. Glorfindel just closed his eyes and shook his head very slightly, then turned to kiss the palm of his hand as he covered it with his own.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said and looked at him again, his expression intense. “I’m not fading, I’m still very much here.” He took his hand and placed it over his own chest, that Ecthelion might feel his heart beating. ”I need you though. So much.”

It also wasn’t like him to show such a vulnerable side either; both as seasoned warriors as any of the Noldor host and used to showing stoicism and wearing brave faces.

Not here, however and not now. Glorfindel held his gaze and was only thinking of one thing; what if he lost him? How would he have carried on? It didn’t stomach thinking about and his mind rejected it outright, filling him with a need to be close, seeking reassurance.

A huff of breath and surging forwards, Glorfindel kissed him, hard, eyes squeezing shut. Ecthelion made a noise of surprise but didn’t object, kissing him back after a second’s pause, whilst Glorfindel clutched at him in what felt like desperation. The kiss turned forceful as he found himself pushed onto his back.

Glorfindel wasn’t thinking at all. He was acting all on instinct; a desire to feel alive and to know Ecthelion was still with him, that they were together and they had one another. He broke away only to move to his jaw, his neck; kissing a line across to where he could feel Ecthelion’s pulse beating fast and strong and took full advantage when he rolled back his head and bared his throat, Glorfindel’s breath hot against his skin.

Quickly what had been at first a one-sided burst of passion, became very much mutual with no word of protest and Ecthelion’s hands pushed under his shirt, smoothing down flanks and holding him about the waist.

Lips met again and they kissed passionately, neither considering where they were headed as they were taken with the overwhelming urgency to be close and feel loved. They might have been an unusual couple, but they held their Laws in as much regard as they might and as such, until now had been very careful. The circumstances that brought them to this point, however, had broken the carefully built walls they had held up for so long and each found he had no inclination to bade the other stop.

Kneeling astride Ecthelion’s hips, Glorfindel pulled his shirt over his head before throwing it aside, then reaching and pulling open the lacing of Ecthelion’s too, tugged him up to rid him of his also. They sat holding one another for a moment, chest to chest, finding anchor in a beat of calm as they rested on each other’s shoulders. Pulling back a small way, Glorfindel ran graceful hands slowly over Ecthelion’s chest, warm and smooth skin under his fingers.

Ecthelion watched him as he held him about the waist, staying still as his skin tingled under his touch. The high colour in his cheeks and the full curve of his lips, the bright light in his eyes, all had Ecthelion biting his lip, his chest tightening.

“So beautiful,” Ecthelion murmured, mesmerised by his attentiveness, and took one of his hands up, kissing the fingertips one by one.

In spite of himself and the hurt that was barely held at bay, Glorfindel smiled and leaned into him to lay them back down again, resuming where they were before.

Shifting about, Ecthelion slipped one leg between Glorfindel’s thighs and both elves groaned softly as their hips came together and they moved against one another. Glorfindel buried his face into Ecthelion’s neck, clearly very much enjoying the sensation.

Neither was ignorant of bodily pleasures. They knew of the intimacy between male and female and there was no shame in it, for it was a gift of Eru Ilúvatar whom had made them able to feel such things. The intimacy between two males however was almost unspoken of - almost, but not entirely so. They had heard of such things, voiced usually in hushed tones and in secrecy between youths having learned of strange and unlooked for acts and speaking between one another as curiosity took them. They’d heard later the bawdy songs in company of common folk, laughter a plenty accompanying them as they mocked the unnatural desires of those who might partake.

So therefore tentative explorations were all they had yet to experience; weary of more, not because of shame, but fear. There was always an escape possible, should either need to take it. A way out towards a relation that would be seen as more proper. Not that either had thought it for himself, only ever the other and such thoughts remained unvoiced. Although even then, they had not been able to keep from such things entirely, desire and want running strong, but never taking the final step. That was the reserve of the bonded alone, which all took as a given, regardless of gender.

“We should stop. Ehtelë-“ Glorfindel lifted up, hair curtaining them in soft waves, but he bit his lip and was torn; not actually wanting to stop on the path they were on, but knowing how dangerous it was also with the mood about them.

Ecthelion seemed equally torn in his expression and he closed his eyes. “I don’t want to,” he whispered and opened them again, looking up at him with a heat rising in his cheeks and his ardor urging him to act. Any lingering resolve to remain chaste disappeared and he pulled Glorfindel back down upon him. Glorfindel, whose voice in pleasure came equally as loudly as they arched against one another, seeking friction.

Taking charge of the situation, Ecthelion pushed on Glorfindel’s shoulder and rolled them onto their sides. He hooked his leg over his thigh and they rolled their hips together, kissing hungrily. Soon frustration took hold and Glorfindel fumbled with the lacing on first his own then Ecthelion’s breeches, tugging them open and releasing the pressure. He palmed his crotch as they kissed and Ecthelion moaned wantonly, which only made to spur them on.

As one mind they broke apart to remove the remainder of their clothing, tossing trousers the same way as shirts and coming back together, only to pause in their passion for a moment. So few chances had they had to be intimate before, without the fear of discovery and with the need for haste. The last shreds of restraint had left them and they were free to take in one another’s forms. Reverent and slowly, the reality of their position; in seclusion and with time standing still, settled upon them.

Glorfindel looked up with naked adoration as Ecthelion hovered over him, reaching to play with the hanging strands of his silken black hair. Ecthelion smiled, eyes bright, before they darkened and flicked away down his torso and lower. He shifted as he dipped his head to kiss down his broad chest, causing Glorfindel to gasp quietly at the new sensations. Soft lips and the tip of a tongue brushed over a nipple and he drew in a sharp breath, hand tightening momentarily in Ecthelion’s hair.

Their bodies were equal in strength and tone, matched as they were as dark and light, with Glorfindel’s sun-kissed skin against Ecthelion’s pale and fair. They explored one another slowly as they hadn’t had chance to before, as the room grew darker and the afternoon turned to dusk. The Fëanorian lamps they had brought grew bright as the light outside failed, casting shadows over them.

Gently, Glorfindel took Ecthelion in hand, biting his own lip as he had moaned deeply as he stroked him, hip thrusting into his touch. It was mere moments before he had been moved away though, Ecthelion rolling them over in a swift motion and pushed his hips down into Glorfindel’s own strongly, causing them both to gasp. They watched one another, rapt, before the building sensations had Glorfindel roll his head back into the pillow under him, closing his eyes in pleasure and Ecthelion immediately latched his lips onto his neck.

It felt wonderful, bodies firmly together and he held tightly to Ecthelion’s back as his thoughts turned towards that which still lay undiscovered between them, his body flushing with want.

“Ehtelë.” His voice was horse and low and he swallowed and paused, reaching up to touch his cheek tentatively.

His whole being ached for him. Not just the physical; that was merely pushing him forward in this moment, hastening them on the road. The thought of ever being with anyone else in such a way, loving anyone else so deeply; he wanted to surround himself with him forever and never let him go. The feeling was almost overwhelming and had been building steadily since their arrival.

“Marry me, please.”

Ecthelion looked upon him, eyes flickering over his ernest and pleading expression and Glorfindel leaned up to capture his lips in a searing kiss; quick and hard. “I know your arguments, but-“ he hesitated, heart quickening further as he paused and bit back any onslaught of words.

Holding his breath, Ecthelion stared down at him. He tipped his head to one side and said nothing for a long and agonising moment, whilst Glorfindel remained silent. Unusual for him not to aim to persuade, not to try to use his charm and logic to get his way. Now wasn’t the time for that, he knew; for all of their talks and all of their hopes and fears alike had come to this moment. He felt deeply that given all that had passed, not just in the previous few weeks, this now was the real crossroads.

Ecthelion was unreadable apart from his eyes, their light was bright and searching. Glorfindel looked back at him, unwavering and resolute and chest aching with hope, before without a word, Ecthelion moved away. Standing, he walked over to the small kitchen area.

Glorfindel held his breath, his eyes downcast and bit his lip hard to ground himself, willing back tears forcefully. His mind was already working to shield itself from the bitter sorrow that loomed as a wave and he was reaching for a sheet to cover himself with when Ecthelion returned and pulled it gently away.

“No,” he said and leaned to kiss him, holding his jaw with gentle fingers, though his gaze was fiery with passion. “It’s been on my mind also and I would not turn back now. If Eru permits our union then let anyone else take issue with him.”

“You’re certain in this?” Glorfindel asked, guarded after the small scare and needing to be sure, as he could hardly believe that he had actually agreed.

“I am,” he said seriously, whilst fingers gently combed through Glorfindel’s hair, leaning in, intimate and close and nuzzled at his cheek.

“And of duty and family?” Glorfindel whispered. It wasn’t as if it could be hidden; all whom they met would instantly know from one look, one word.

“We’ve proven our worth already and we will do again; more so even.”

His breath tickled Glorfindel’s skin and his treacherous body, over sensitive, shivered and leaned in closer and he nodded mutely, unable to speak.

Ecthelion drew back to look upon him again and Glorfindel’s stomach lurched. Smiles bloomed on their faces slowly, realisation sinking in and Glorfindel couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out.

“Careful,” Ecthelion said quietly, “we’ve yet to try and it still mightn’t be possible.” Although, in spite of his words his smile was just as clear and a small chuckle escaped. Glorfindel’s joy was ever infectious and no circumstance yet had sent it away for too long.

There would be no ceremony and no feasting, but they would have time to mourn the fact, especially that there would be none to give them away. There only remained to them the act of union and seeking blessing, if it would be their fate.

“How…” Glorfindel trailed off, face heating as his mind went to the implications that a marriage warranted, the act they were about to perform. Ecthelion dropped his gaze and held out a small clay pot; the salve that they had been using on Glorfindel’s leg. He offered it to him now with a shy smile. Unusual for him, though perhaps not so at that point, given the situation.

“I trust you to be gentle,” he said simply, and Glorfindel took it, a knot of anticipation tightening in his stomach. He turned it about in his hands as he thought things over, sobering somewhat.

“How would you have me?” Ecthelion asked quietly.

Glorfindel’s gaze snapped up and Ecthelion laughed low. “My golden love, do you want to do this now? I will promise not to take the decision back, but we can wait, if you would prefer. I would want you to enjoy this, not be afraid.”

“I am, just a little,” he admitted but smiled in return and took his hand up and squeezed, “but not about this,” he gestured to the pot with a flush to his cheeks and a brief flash of a smile. “I have no desire to wait. I’ve been wanting this for years and now, not after-“ He bit his lip and held his breath, “no. No matter what comes next I would not be parted. Not even in death.”

He held his gaze with a serious expression and Ecthelion nodded. “Come, lay with me.”

Settling on the bed, side by side and face to face, now that they both knew where this was leading, they were in no rush. Reaching out and enfolding each other in soft embrace, suddenly each felt more shy than before, nervous in spite of being closer than ever. An unspoken agreement that they wanted to make the moment last meant their kisses were softer and touches more hesitant at first, but being young and in love, very soon their ardor returned in full and quiet moans and whispers filled the air. Almost forgetting where it was supposed to be heading, they delighted as they found new places and sensations that brought pleasure, with lips and hands alike.

Gasping and biting down on his lip, Glorfindel pulled away, needing to stop and reaching to lay his hand over Ecthelion’s to stay his touch. He blinked at him, breathing as steadily as he could but hesitating, even though he ached for him to continue, with need and desire filling his mind.

Ecthelion made a small sound of protest but stopped, sat and reached for the salve that he’d fetched, feeling that the time was right. There was a heat in his cheeks as he offered it out to him, the anticipation making his stomach turn over and leaning in, he kissed him softly on the corner of his mouth and held his gaze. What he saw was only the bright openness that was ever Glorfindel and it made him smile.

Hand closing around the small clay pot, Glorfindel smiled back then swallowed, whet his lips and ducked his head. He chuckled one nervous breath and moved over him to settle between his thighs.

“Is this-?” he looked up to see he was being watched keenly and Ecthelion touched his hair, stroking over and nodded encouragingly.

Taking a little salve on his fingers, he leaned down and kissed him deeply as at the same time he reached to pull one of his legs up around his waist. It wasn’t graceful and they took a while to find a comfortable fit, but it took some of the tension out of the moment too as they looked at one another, laughter in their faces.

“This is not as easy as those songs made out,” Glorfindel muttered and Ecthelion chuckled next to his ear, shifting his hips and trying to help as he fumbled to find where he might reach easily where he needed to.

“I doubt the people singing those songs actually tried this themselves,” he laughed low, though was cut off with a gasp as Glorfindel had found his mark and fingers touched upon very sensitive places.

Gently and tentatively, he applied the salve in the way it had been described, marvelling all the while at the expression Ecthelion wore, laughter dying away as the reality and the moment settled into them and bodily desires took over. 

It was an odd sensation, Ecthelion found, but not unwelcome. In fact, quite the opposite. He didn’t feel ashamed of the small noises he was making, for this was Glorfindel, with whom he felt the safest in the whole of Eä. He settled back, soon finding that his breathing came heavy as he became overwhelmed with the new feelings such a small intrusion brought, eyes closing, even as he’d wanted to keep them on him.

Suddenly he cried out, the noise wrought from him as a pleasure sparked that he’d not been expecting. Glorfindel withdrew his hand swiftly, concern colouring his features but Ecthelion was quick to stop him, grasping at his arm.

“Nay,” he blinked and pulled him back down, “don’t- don’t stop.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Glorfindel said softly and turning his head, kissed his ear.

“You’re not, I can assure you. It’s-“ he swallowed. “It’s good. I promise.”

Raising on one elbow and with an assessing look Glorfindel tentatively resumed and soon Ecthelion cried out again, although this time Glorfindel didn’t pull away. He pressed his fingers gently and his stomach flipped at the look of sheer pleasure on Ecthelion’s face; high cheekbones deep with colour and open mouthed, breath coming in irregular bursts. He wondered what it must be like, a heat flooding his own body at just the thought and excitement at the future of possibilities.

“Do you think you’re ready?” Glorfindel asked a short time later. By now Ecthelion was arching up and that, along with the small gasps and moans had him feeling his own impatience, biting his lip and keeping himself from seeking friction against him.

“I am, very much so,” came the quick reply, then paused, “are you? This is-“ Ecthelion reached up a hand to Glorfindel’s thick golden waves by his ear, searching his eyes for  any hint of uncertainty, “this is forever, you know. Are you sure you want to be tied to me? I know that sometimes I’m not the easiest of people to be around.”

Glorfindel’s answering smile and bark of laughter were bright as the sun, despite the darkness they were now bathed in, despite the dark circumstances that had brought them to this point, hastening them on the journey they had already set out on, now years previously.

“Yes,” he said emphatically, “a thousand times yes. My beautiful Ehtelë, I love you and only you and will never love another, nor ever want to.”

Ecthelion pulled him down into a bruising kiss, letting him go and answering his smile with one as wide in return. “Then I am yours, as I’ve always been.”

Taking the salve again Glorfindel smoothed some over himself, biting his lip as he did so and dropping his head, as he was very over sensitive by this point. Ecthelion watched with darkened eyes and made a soft noise before he brought his other leg up and around his waist. They settled and found their fit again, Glorfindel positioning himself on one arm and holding steady. They both held their breaths and looked in one another’s eyes and reaching up, Ecthelion placed a hand lightly on his neck, threading fingers into his hair as Glorfindel pushed forwards as gently as he could manage.

Ecthelion’s lips parted softly from where he was biting them and his eyes fluttered closed, not daring to breathe. The rush of sensations sent shivers over his skin and instinctively his whole body tightened at the greater intrusion. Glorfindel stilled and concentrated on steadying his own breathing, as difficult as that was at that moment, for he too felt overwhelmed. The heat and tightness, in spite of his careful ministrations was wonderful and almost too much in the same instance.

“Keep going, my love, don’t worry about me,” Ecthelion murmured without opening his eyes, fingers digging into Glorfindel’s forearms where he held onto him and a small frown between his brows. 

“I- I didn’t know it would feel like this,” he said horsely and swallowed the lump in his dry throat. “You have to try to relax.” He knew enough that they needed to take care; as strong as their bodies might be the last thing he wanted to do was cause him pain.

Clearly it was with an effort, but Ecthelion willed his body to bend more to his control, fingers and thighs both un-clenching from their powerful hold and taking a deep breath, let it out slowly. It took a few good moments before Glorfindel felt able to try to move again, head dipping low and his hair falling in soft waves about his shoulders. He made a small noise, unbidden and a soft cry from Ecthelion echoed too as skin met skin and he stilled again.

It felt like a long time before their hearts slowed enough that both were able to open their eyes, each seeing the darkened and lust filled gaze of the other and the deep colouring on their cheeks. 

Glorfindel swallowed thickly, still breathing heavily and reaching up, propped on one elbow, he smoothed the hair back from Ecthelion’s forehead and reverently pressed a kiss upon his brow. He was nervous, clearly and his body was protesting, and he had to push back instinct in order to focus. This was it though; to go any further without the vows would be something he wasn’t willing to contemplate and he knew Ecthelion was of the same mind simply from the look he was holding him with.

Shakily, he smiled.

“May the blessing of Eru Ilúvatar be upon us and keep us together, always.”

He spoke the words so quietly, that none might have heard even were they present, save the two of them and Eru himself. How he managed it he would never know, but there was no hesitation, no quaver in his voice and his heart was filled with nothing but abject joy.

Ecthelion cupped his cheek tenderly, only the slightest tremble in his hand giving him away. Always, as ever, able to keep his composure. Glorfindel would have laughed, if he weren’t currently about to cry with happiness.

“May the blessing of Eru Ilúvatar be upon us and keep us together, always.” He repeated the same words, the invocation made and regardless of whether Eru granted a bonding, in their hearts they were wedded and would be for all time.

“Do you feel anything?” Glorfindel asked, but before they could contemplate anything more his elbow slipped and the movement made Ecthelion shift slightly under him. He gasped as it brought him back into his body instantly, the small motion enough to send a jolt of pleasure through him and he dropped his forehead down onto his shoulder, a small whimper escaping.

With great care he pulled back before thrusting slowly forwards again, the salve doing its job and easing the way and it completely overwhelmed all other thoughts.

The same was plainly true for Ecthelion, for he once more held onto Glorfindel’s forearms, fingers tight enough to leave bruises. His head turned to the side and he groaned softly on each forward movement.

They had a slow rhythm going and heat coiled low, his hips canted almost of their own accord, his hardness seeking friction against Glorfindel’s stomach. He bit his lip hard as he found what he needed, whilst the changed angle let Glorfindel push deeper than before. He hit the same spot which had caused him to cry out before their joining; arching upwards as it wrought a loud moan of pleasure from him.

Somewhere deep inside Glorfindel felt…something. It registered as intense pleasure but not of his own, slightly out of time with the sensations he was feeling. He didn’t have time to contemplate it, not properly, but his heart beat a stumbling stacato as he realised what it likely meant. Want and instincts and the powerful consuming need of his body were driving him on though and his whole being burned now, with face buried into Ecthelions shoulder. Even the brushing of his hair against his skin was heightening the pleasure he felt. He was so over sensitive, he had given himself over entirely to it.

“So perfect,” he breathed, “so beautiful-“ then pressing his mouth to Ecthelion’s neck, further loud moans were muffled. The constriction and heat surrounding him was overpowering his mind to one track, only able to think of the moment and how happy he was. Although, he was still aware enough not to be so forceful as to hurt him, and he held him reverently and stayed his hips from too much force, whilst Ecthelion’s legs were locked tightly about his waist, holding him in place.

It was all too soon that waves of pleasure began to build, the rolling heat in his stomach growing intense and that place deep inside again registered too, where echoes joined in, a little out of sync but heightening his own sensations and spurring him on as a wordless plea.

Ecthelion gasped loudly and pressed up into him even more, turning his head towards Glorfindel and seeking his lips. “I love you so much,” he moaned in a rush and brushed his hair hastily aside to make way for messy and deep kisses. He moved to push his hand between their bodies, now helplessly tight against one another and he struggled with what he needed, whining in frustration.

As the feelings came stronger and quicker and Ecthelion moaned wantonly, clearly long past any thought to how he might sound and not a shred of his composure remaining, Glorfindel realised through his own daze what he sought.

He paused just to get his elbow back under him, giving just enough space to reach down between them and grasped Ecthelion to stroke in time with his renewed thrusts. Ecthelion cried out against his lips, both of their voices dampened, but it was clearly now too intense for their first joining to last much longer.

“Ah!” He called out, and with a last few strong thrusts Glorfindel felt his release and gave a long, low cry, gasping as he pressed his forehead into the pillow, eyes closed. The waves overtook all thinking, mind blissfully blanking out, before a second wave hit within him moments later with Ecthelion’s own release; hot against them and tightening around him as he heard his own name called out in a breath. He held him through his silent shuddering before he collapsed, helpless to hold himself up any longer and they wrapped arms around one another as tight as could be for several long minutes.

With a small groan Ecthelion began to uncurl himself, all of his muscles protesting from being held so tense. Glorfindel relaxed his arms too, letting him shift, then hissed sharply as he pulled away, slowly and as gently as he might, for both of their sakes.

He grabbed a discarded garment, not checking what it was and quickly wiped them both and tossed it away before curling into Ecthelion’s side, arm over his chest and head ducked into his shoulder, very unwilling to move. Ecthelion wriggled to get comfortable, biting his lip and wincing slightly as the sensations of being so loved had left him feeling very strange and rather overwhelmed. Glorfindel had a good sense of this, marvelling at it still but not voicing anything yet and simply pressed a kiss to the skin beneath his lips.

Neither spoke. Closing their eyes, they lay in quiet, both lost in drifting thoughts and reliving the experience they had shared, each within his own head. Heart rates slowing, synchronising without even realising, as deep contentment and rapture held them in silence. Only small soft kisses and gentle caresses were shared, which slowed and stopped as they drifted into sleep. The night drew on, the snow growing deeper still in the forest around them, whilst they lay in the warm that they had created.

The light was slanting in across the bed when Glorfindel was woken by a loss of contact, a coolness against his side and he blinked several times and groaned softly, shaking off his reverie.

“Ehtelë, come back here,” he grumbled very quietly and sleepily reached out; the side of the bed where he had lain still warm and he rolled into it, pulling the sheets over himself in the process. He didn’t want to wake yet, for he had been having the most wonderful dream, of the wide plains beneath Tirion whilst Laurelin was still blooming and was loathe to leave it behind.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Ecthelion replied with a small amused chuckle and Glorfindel lifted his head to peek out at him from under the covers. Something had struck him and his still cloudy mind pondered over what was so strange. Ecthelion had turned and was heading back over, two cups of water in his hands and laughed at the sight of him, buried under blankets.

Glorfindel immediately sat up, sleep fleeing quickly, a look of complete shock on his face as he stared.

“What is it?” Ecthelion closed the distance immediately, kneeling before him, drinks abandoned and worried as to what was wrong, but then his own face fell into a mirror of Glorfindel’s as he took him in.

Each stared at the other, twin expressions turning from surprise, to dawning realisation. Then brilliant smiles broke out with bursts of joyous laughter as they clamored to speak, words tumbling over one another in haste.

“Your eyes!”

“Your voice!”

“Oh! It is really done!”

Glorfindel beamed and tentatively reached to touch Ecthelion’s cheek, seeing him anew as his own spirit reflected back at him and his vision swam with tears of happiness. “I love you, so damn much,” he said fiercely, a smile so wide it almost hurt. Reality was sinking in and he choked on a breath then held it, not trusting himself not to breakdown completely.

Turning his head and taking his hand, Ecthelion kissed his palm and then wrapped his arms about his back tightly, toppling them both onto the bed with noises of delight.

Kissing him soundly, Ecthelion looked down on him; all sleep ruffled hair and rosey cheeks. He thought how he’d never been happier as everything became real and willed himself to live in the moment, to be sure he would remember this feeling, no matter what came next, for all of his long days. Then he dipped his head and whispered “I love you too,” against his lips.

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