Fanworks Tagged with Lalwen

This is a Writing fanwork

We Were as in a Dream by Zdenka

Lalwen has known the bliss of Valinor unmarred, but this is sweeter.

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Stubborn Light in a Fading Sky by Zdenka

The memories Lalwen holds to or pushes away, on each side of the Ice.

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An lao ite i mbolg na bó by cuarthol

Before Doriath, before Gondolin, others found their way to the mouths of Sirion, fleeing the destruction of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

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Where I Cannot Follow by cuarthol

After no one returns from the Nirnaeth, those left in Hithlum must make a choice.

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The leaving of Hithlum by clotho123

Hithlum is lost and Fingon is dead.  In the aftermath an aunt and nephew have a last meeting and parting.

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Tengwar Acrostics by Himring

Responses to the Tengwar Challenge in which first letters spell out the name of a tengwa: 1) Early Encounter (Nerdanel, Indis); 2) Numenorean Lullaby (Almarian, Aldarion); 3) Tink-Tink (Telchar); 4) Such lamps as once shone in Khazad-dum (Celebrimbor).

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"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

Fics written for the "Tengwar" challenge.

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The Unrest of the Noldor by StarSpray

Minyelmë comes to Tirion to see Lalwen, arriving just in time to see things come to a head.

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Like a White Fire Within by fingonsradharp

Findekáno’s coronation should have been a grand affair. Moringotto was dead, and the Ñoldor could begin to rebuild and slowly retake the lands the Enemy had destroyed in the battle that they had all thought was the beginning of the end.

But Findekáno’s father had fallen even as he slew the Black Foe. Over four hundred years he had ruled, and Findekáno knew this was quite possibly the worst time for a change in leadership.

He still didn’t know where Turukáno and Írissem were.

He still had not heard from Russandol.

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Above Barad Eithel by StarSpray

In the early hours the half-built towers of Barad Eithel looked more like ruins than like the start of something new, ghostly in the mists that clung to the mountains and hovered in the hollows and valleys of Hithlum even under the noonday sun

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Love in Spades by Rocky41_7

Maedhros considers the role of sex and romance in his life and receives support from unexpected quarters.

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Illegal Noldorin Immigrants by Himring

On Mount Olympus, Zeus receives a puzzling report about unusual activities among the Amazons.

His female relatives appear to know more about these than they let on.

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This is a Writing fanwork

From Tirion to the West-Gate by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Write about something wrong that turns out to be right. (for day 3 of Nancy Stohlman's November 2021 challenge)

'The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there.' -L.P. Hartley, 'The Go-Between'


Lalwen Finwiel reflects on market-days throughout her life, and how the more things change, the more they stay the same. Or do they?


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Finwean Ladies Week 2021 by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Loosely connected Finwean Ladies Week snippets written for the prompts. 

Chapter One: Indis & Miriel (mostly Indis conflicting with Feanaro, mention of Findis, small Lalwen and Nolofinwe)

Chapter Two: Findis & Lalwen (Findis protesting Lalwen's desire to follow their brothers into Exile.)

Chapter Three: Artanis & Irisse (Galadriel and Aredhel on the Helcaraxe. Fingon being a teasing brother, mention of Finrod)

Chapter Four: 

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Women of Troy by heget

The story repeats and yet doesn't, over and over with the aftermath of each battle.

Fingon strips Dor-lomin of men for his grand assault on Angband - only the women and children and defenseless are left behind.

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Sweet Violets and Golden Cowslip by StarSpray

Lalwen has dug too many graves. After the attack on the Havens of Sirion, she digs another.

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This is a Audio fanwork

[podfic] Tribute for the Queen by Chestnut_pod

In which cats may or may not be a euphemism.

Prompt fic: "Lalwen gives Beruthiel a calico cat, Beruthiel is annoyed because it throws off her color scheme but also Lalwen is a hottie, confusion ensues."

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This is a Writing fanwork

Turning Point by elennalore

The Valar have spoken. Arafinwë knows he has to make a big decision, but he's too tired to think clearly. His brother and sister are there for him, even at the moment of parting.

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This is a Series fanwork

Hador Lórindol. by hennethgalad

Hador and his relationships with Fingolfin, Gildis and others. 

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Regencies of Child Kings by heget

Gil-galad's earliest memories are shadowed by the dynastic intrigue of kings and princesses. He was supposed to be a child of the Long Peace.

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Lockdown Instadrabbling by Nienna

A collection of ficlets (not true drabbles) written for Lockdown Instadrabbling on Discord.

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The Staff Dancer by Calendille

"Fëanaro and I lived in different worlds that did not mingle until the Pink Robes incident: that evening when Fëanaro came to our family dinner dressed in girl’s clothes."

Lalwendë, from childhood to Alqualondë, or how Dancing Like A Vanya can pave the road to killing.

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