Hador Lórindol.
Series compiled by hennethgalad
Hador and his relationships with Fingolfin, Gildis and others.
Fanworks in "Hador Lórindol."

Children of Ilúvatar. by hennethgalad
Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)
Fingolfin meets Hador Lórindol, and Gildis.

Ard-galen. by hennethgalad
Warnings: Sexual Content (Graphic)
Part two of 'Children of Ilúvatar'.
The expedition of Fingolfin crosses the plain to the Halls of Angrod.

Horses. by hennethgalad
Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
They leave the House of Angrod and cross Ard-galen, where they are met by Aegnor, and Fingolfin meets Rochallor for the first time.

"when all other lights go out" by hennethgalad
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Fingolfin tries to persuade Maedhros to join in attacking Morgoth before Dagor Bragollach.

Engaged. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Hador realises he is Mortal and turns to Gildis.

'Soiled with blood' by hennethgalad
Warnings: Violence (Graphic)
Gildis meets Maglor at Himring. They speak of music.

Maurn. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Crossing the plain of East Beleriand, they meet some wood-elves.

Eglairaith. by hennethgalad
Warnings: Sexual Content (Graphic)
Fingolfin sends Hador away before Nargothrond lest he fall in love with Finrod.
(Assumes that Finrod loves Glorfindel. See 'Eithel Ivrin' if you like, though it’s not necessary)

The Wedding of Hador and Gildis. 1. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Not the wedding speeches.

The Wedding of Hador and Gildis. 2. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Hador writes in his journal before his wedding.

The Wedding of Hador and Gildis. 3. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Fingolfin, chosen to stand at the side of Hador, whom he loves, reflects on the wedding after the feast.

Ajar. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Even on the night of his wedding, Hador turns to Fingolfin.

Aware. by hennethgalad
Warnings: Violence (Moderate)
Fingolfin reads the thoughts of two prisoners to see who is telling the truth.
(reading 'Orcs' first would enrich this)
for the 'Sitcom' challenge "Sophisticated as hell."

Agley. by hennethgalad
Warnings: No warnings apply
Gildis hopes that Írimë will cheer her up.
(free space, sitcom bingo !)