Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
When we write about Silmarillion events, our stories often concern the time and place where the action primarily occurred. However, there is a broad world beyond--what was going on there, at the same moment in time?
This challenge asks authors to move beyond the places and times of familiar events to consider what was going on elsewhere in Arda at the same time as a major event covered in The Silmarillion. How--if at all--did the event impact what was transpiring elsewhere at the same time?
Here are some ideas to get you started:
This challenge opened in .
Crossover! (English history and The Silmarillion) Written for an LJ comment fic challenge for this request from Just_Jenni: "Place the sons of Feanor into a Richard the Third setting in actual history. Any time, any place, but the sons MUST be in character and they MUST have some sort of interaction with Richard."
Richard III and Francis Lovell spend an evening in Leicester at the Blue Boar Inn shortly before the Battle of Bosworth with Silmarillion heroes Maedhros and Maglor. (Intended to work for anyone who knows either of the canons.)
The tale of the Children of Hurin seen through the father's/enemy's eyes
At the end of the First Age, religious feuds and civil unrest threaten Valmar and Tirion. A 'What-If' AU.
New in Chapter 20: Sidaizon sets out to begin his new duties as Oraistar of Oichimyaiva, and learns some disturbing news from Vedezir.