Fanworks Tagged with Círdan

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High in the Clean Blue Air by StarSpray

They passed out of Lhûn and the wider coastline of Middle-earth opened up before his eyes. He had wandered those shores for centuries, and even now he felt the pull of that same wanderlust, and knew he would miss them for the rest of his life. Their wildness, the untamed waves, the rocky shores and the cliffs and the sandy beaches. The gulls, and the dunes, and the tide pools with their ever-changing denizens. Someone began to sing a song of farewell, and other voices took it up. He did not join them. 

Maglor keeps a promise, and comes to Valinor, only to find the ghosts he thought he'd left behind are alive and waiting for him. 

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Ages of Farewells by Anérea

Cirdan watches as Elrond, Galadriel and company sail into the West

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At a distance by bunn

Cirdan watches and waits, while the world goes down into the dark. 

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A Collection of Maps Exhibiting the Changing Political Landscape in Beleriand by Artano

Created for the 'Geography/Maps/Places' prompt on the "Tolkien meta" bingo board, this is a collection of maps marked with the various people groups showing how they arrived and moved about Beleriand.  This collection focuses specifically on the time from the arrival of the Teleri, Vanyar, and Noldor before they went to Aman up to the distribution of the various kingdoms after the Flight of the Noldor, when they arrived in Middle-earth and settled there.

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Shadow's Scribbles 2024 by daughterofshadows

My collection of Scribbles & Drabbles Arts for 2024!

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An lao ite i mbolg na bó by cuarthol

Before Doriath, before Gondolin, others found their way to the mouths of Sirion, fleeing the destruction of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

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We are not lost in the mortal city by AdmirableMonster

Gil-galad and Círdan arrive at the Mouth of Sirion, too late.

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A Partial Smoothing by Himring

The news of the Second Kinslaying arrives on Balar among the Falathrim. They are all shocked and horrified, but for one of them, it poses a specific problem.

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"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

Fics written for the "Tengwar" challenge.

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Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

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Atmospherics by Anérea, sallysavestheday

The three atmospheres of Arda celebrated in three drabbles and three photos...

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M&G drabbles collection by mairoff

Drabbles Content:

  1. Something never seen before: Arien
  2. A wrong interpretation: Tilion / Arien
  3. Being delayed: Eönwë
  4. Lost in memory: Nienna
  5. Reading a good book: Celeborn / Galadriel
  6. “Wait…that can’t be right…”: Melian
  7. Group - Follow: Eönwë
  8. Running - Distance - Breathless - Limits: Fingon
  9. Contempt: Varda
  10. A sentient object: the One Ring
  11. A fresh start: Maeglin
  12. Unusual weather: Cirdan
  13. A favourite place: Celebrian
  14. A minor catastrophe: Ossë

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By Fireside by Gwanath Dagnir

Chapter 1: Círdan rehabilitates the reputation of an elf not known for his likeability by telling Elrond a humourous story about young Ereinion.

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The Myth Hanging Heavy Over You by stormfallen

Elrond asks about his mother, in 100-word drabbles.

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Northern Stars by Idrils Scribe

Aboard Galdor's warship, Glorfindel returns in triumph from a dangerous expedition deep into enemy territory. He has found Elrond's missing son, but all is not well: the Elf-child that was abducted by the Corsairs of Umbar is now a Man grown. War and darkness have left Elrohir deeply scarred, and he is not the mission's only casualty.

An alternate universe for the Under Strange Stars series, in which Elrohir goes with Glorfindel instead of running away from him after the events of Under Strange Stars. This story covers the events of ‘Northern Skies’, but it can be enjoyed without having read the original.

Many thanks to Grundy for all of her excellent beta-reading and brainstorming.e

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Círdan's Guide to sailing the Straight Road by daughterofshadows

The sea is full of dangers, and the Straight Road is no exception.
As my people now leave these shores behind, it is my hope that this book will be of aid to those who choose to sail in the years to come.
May it guide you safely across the sea and to the shores of Valinor and may the wind and the waves be ever in your favour.


"Travel advice was very helpful, but we were glad the people of Dol Amroth helped us to build the boat. 4/5 stars." - L&G


"Perhaps finding this book was a sign to finally sail and face whatever awaits me across the sea." - M. F.


"Mighty helpful book. Wouldn't have made it across the sea without it. Hope I'll get to say thank you in person someday. 5/5 stars." - S. G.

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A Return Is Not a Homecoming by grey_gazania

Gil-galad is released from the Halls of Mandos in the Fourth Age, but settling into Tirion is not as easy as she would hope.


Written for Tolkien Gen Week on Tumblr.

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Home Is Behind by grey_gazania

In the aftermath of the Dagor Bragollach, newly-crowned High King Fingon sends his wife and child to Eglarest for safety. The parting is bitter, as his wife has discovered a betrayal that Fingon has long concealed from her.

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It's not easy, but it's worth it by daughterofshadows

Three characters, three moments. Three stages of the same journey. The road of self-acceptance is never smooth.

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Back to the Surface by chrissystriped

Two dwarves have a special catch in their nets. Old oaths and curses need a solution before the last witnesses of the First Age sail to the West.

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The Horns of Ylmir by cuarthol

The sea-longing returns to Tuor, and he hopes he might be allowed to sail West, for the miseries of Middle-earth only grow and no place feels safe enough.

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Under the Ragged Thorn by elfscribe

The unexpected and mysterious return of Glorfindel, hero of Gondolin, to Middle-earth opens old wounds for Erestor. Can he overcome guilt and forge a new relationship with his old friend?

Written for 2023 My Slashy Valentine fic swap

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