Fanworks Tagged with Círdan

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Preparation by StarSpray

After Gil-Estel appears, Círdan takes council with Ossë.

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ShinyStarShip has Invited You to Join a Zoom Conference! by JazTheBard

Elrond is a few weeks away from sailing to Valinor, and he's had a tough time of it lately.

Luckily, his dads are willing to put aside their differences to help him.

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Home from War by Himring

Cirdan and his people return from the War of the Last Alliance to Mithlond. 
It is not an easy home-coming, after what they have been through.

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The Straight Path. by hennethgalad

The Eldar become aware of the reshaping of the world after the fall of Númenor.

11: 'The Milky Way'

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The Winehammer. by hennethgalad

Erestor and Gildor witness a pivotal moment in the lives of the sons of Eärendil. In a nightclub.

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The Fairest Vessels That Ever Sailed by Lindariel

Teleporno and Alatáriel find outlets for their knowledge as they begin to get used to life in Middle-Earth.

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Out of the Darkling West by Lindariel

Teleporno and Alatáriel arrive in Middle-Earth.

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Fragments by SkyEventide

Short stories mostly in drabble form written for the Solstice Instadrabbling Challenge 2019 on the discord server.

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B2MEM 2019 Double Drabbles by eris_of_imladris

My double drabbles based on B2MEM prompts! My self-imposed rule was that I had to use prompts from the same Bingo number/day together.


Based on the following cards: All OCs All The Time, Aspects of Aragorn, Color Burst: Purple, Elements of Elrond, Facets of Faramir, Fëanatics, Fun with Fëanorians, Maglor in History 1, Person vs. Self, and Textual Ghosts.


Individual pieces rated G - T. Check individual pieces for warnings.


***Hidden Figures Challenge: Chapters O72, B12, N44, N45, N32***

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Use Well the Days by bunn

Lalwen knows exactly what she wants. So does Círdan, really, though for him it's more complicated.

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Missing the Past by StarSpray

“But no, it is not ruins or pottery I am interested in. They told me that Maglor was living on Himling.”

Círdan set down his glass. He did not look surprised. “I had heard rumors,” he said. “The fishermen up the coast that way are a superstitious folk, and I’ve long thought that their ghost stories might have a particular source. But I did not think he was still there, or that he’d gone out to Himling Isle.”

“It makes sense,” Elrond said, staring down into his glass and watching the liquid catch the sunlight as he turned it in his fingers. “Is there a boat I could borrow?”

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The Curious Case of the Paternity of Ereinion Gil-galad by elvntari

Many theories circulate around Middle-earth about the parentage of the High King, and Gil-galad has heard them all. As he senses the end of an era with his reign (and his life) coming to a close he ponders on where it all began. What is the truth? Only one man knows, and it isn't him.

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Fields and Mountains Ever Blessed by StarSpray

Celebrían has not been idle while waiting for Elrond to come west.

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Burnt Lighthouses by heget

Círdan comes too late to the Havens of Sirion.

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West we will return by Failisse

For those mariners Turgon sent west, but of whom only Voronwë returned. A short story for August's Discovery Challenge

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What REALLY Happened; The Coronation of Gil-galad by Cee Cee

 An unlucky young ellon learns that he has become the latest victim in a long line of unlucky High Kings of the Noldor.

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Seafaring Heroes and Villains: The Role of the Sea in Tolkien's Legendarium by oshun

Tolkien's seafarers and shipbuilders explore, challenge, define, and reframe his world throughout its fictional history, and Tolkien's use of the sea and sea-longing in particular hearkens to Germanic themes of exile and longing.

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The Shipwright and the Elm Tree by Raiyana

The first time Círdan visited Hithlum... and met Irimë

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Wolf Luck by arafinwean

There were things lost on the journey to Aman, history and culture, art and songs. Such things the Eldar might never see again and yet one thing they thought lost forever still survives.


When Finarfin begins to dig deeper into the past of his people he discovers things that shouldn't have been forgotten and unearths what the Valar would have preferred to stay forgotten. Magic is dangerous after all, it corrupts all those who use it.

Doesn't it?

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There Was A Ship by hennethgalad

Círdan watches as the ship from Valinor reaches Mithlond bearing the Istari.

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We Will Be Who We Are by Lotrfan

The Army of Valinor has come to Beleriand. Maedhros and Maglor feel they must join in this battle against Morgoth but are reluctant to bring Elrond and Elros into the conflict. War of Wrath prompt focusing on the relationships between the surviving sons of Fëanor and the sons of Eärendil they are fostering.

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In the Heart of the Storm by IgnobleBard

Ossë shows Círdan the passion at the heart of the storm.

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Singing to an Ocean by Lotrfan

Set at the very end of the Third Age, just before Elrond sails. He meets someone unexpected on the shore at the Havens. Written for August 2016 Teitho Contest "Oaths" where it received 1st place.

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Blood, Song, & Silver by MisbehavingMaiar

Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion recieves an emissary from the West claiming to be a Vanya smith. The teachings he comes bearing are controversial; how to imprint thoughts and wills into matter using Song, and words of power. As the emissary gains support with king and court, their relationship becomes entangled with secrets and the weight of the past. 

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A Minor Act of Reparation by Himring

Maedhros unexpectedly is offered a chance to make up to the Teleri for the loss and destruction of the swan ships, but what precisely is it they want of him?

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