B2MEM 2019 Double Drabbles by eris_of_imladris

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


My double drabbles based on B2MEM prompts! My self-imposed rule was that I had to use prompts from the same Bingo number/day together.


Based on the following cards: All OCs All The Time, Aspects of Aragorn, Color Burst: Purple, Elements of Elrond, Facets of Faramir, Fëanatics, Fun with Fëanorians, Maglor in History 1, Person vs. Self, and Textual Ghosts.


Individual pieces rated G - T. Check individual pieces for warnings.


***Hidden Figures Challenge: Chapters O72, B12, N44, N45, N32***

Major Characters: Bëor, Celebrimbor, Círdan, Elrond, Fëanor, Glorfindel, Indis, Maedhros, Maglor, Míriel Serindë, Ulfang

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: B2MeM 2019, Hidden Figures

Rating: General

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 18 Word Count: 3, 604
Posted on 12 March 2019 Updated on 30 March 2019

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

Summary: A young Fëanor watches Indis at his father’s betrothal dinner. Prompts: Haze, blaming Indis. No warnings.

Summary: Maedhros tries to visualize his way through a battlefield shortly after his return to fighting. Prompts: grape jelly, “he was very willing that the chief peril of assault should fall upon himself,” overcoming my past. TW: Blood, Gore

Summary: Maedhros embarks on a fruitless quest. Prompt: Maedhros looking for Eluréd and Elurín. TW: Disturbing imagery.

Summary: Maglor muses on exile at the end of all things. Prompts: Maglor when the One Ring is destroyed, Fëanor’s exile (unjust). No warnings.

Summary: A new star in the sky causes young Elrond to reflect upon a new ally. Prompts: Elrond as survivor, overcoming disappointment. No warnings.

Summary: Glorfindel’s mother muses on the dangers of having a child destined for greatness.

Prompts: mother of Glorfindel, Fëanor as savior of Middle-Earth.

TW: Mentions of character death.

Summary: Bëor’s mother laments his choice to leave.

Prompts: majesty (purple), Fëanorians in Beleriand, mother of Bëor.

No warnings.

Summary: The eldest child of Aragorn and Arwen considers her role in history.

Prompts: self doubt, daughters of Arwen.

No warnings.

Special Note: This ficlet is particularly special for me to write. This daughter of Arwen was my first OC, and I have been writing her life story since I was nine years old. Writing her story helped me figure out so much about myself, and even though most of my words never found their way to a page, she is still my oldest and favorite creation, even after almost two decades. She does make an appearance in another, unfinished fic of mine, but this is the first time I am ever writing in print exactly who she is. I hope you enjoy!

Summary: Fëanor questions his actions upon arriving in Middle-Earth.

Prompts: Fëanor as freedom fighter in Beleriand, Fëanor’s mommy issues.

No warnings.

Summary: Fëanor considers where his feud with Nolofinwë started.

Prompts: Blaming that weasley Fingolfin (reprise), Indis.

No warnings.

Summary: Míriel uses her craft to remember what was lost.

Prompts: Míriel.

No warnings.

Summary: Maedhros muses on what it’s been like to have Fëanor as a father as he leaves their life.

Prompts: Fëanor as knight in shining armor, growing up with the world watching (Fëanorians).

Warning: Major character death.

Summary: Ulfang’s wife reflects after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Prompts: Overcoming trauma, wife of Ulfang.

No warnings.

Summary: Círdan’s mother pushes her desires aside for her people.

Prompts: Doing the right thing when it’s really hard, mother of Círdan.

No warnings.

Summary: Celebrimbor imagines an impossible future.

Prompts: “I won’t let you define me,” imagination (purple).

No warnings.

Summary: A young jewelsmith of Eregion tries to find her place in the Gwaith-i-Mírdain.

Prompts: OC artisan, fear of failure.

No warnings.

Summary: Fëanor rationalizes one of his sons’ name choices.

Prompts: What’s in a name? (Fëanorians).

No warnings.

Summary: Fëanor prepares for a crucial test at the end of his apprenticeship.

Prompts: Text anxiety.

No warnings.

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