Summary: Círdan’s mother pushes her desires aside for her people.
Prompts: Doing the right thing when it’s really hard, mother of Círdan.
No warnings.
Círdan is the name he has now, she is told. A strange word with a fitting meaning. A shipwright is known for his journeys away, not home.
He never made it to the home he promised them. Aman is everything he hoped for, in the beginning, and even when it is not, there is still more peace than in war-torn Endorë, more chances to keep him safe.
She paints the sea when she misses him. It never looks the same twice, just as no two days look the same without him. There are others to keep her busy, her guild, her friends, but something is missing.
So many times, she puts quill to paper. Her words are florid sometimes, trying to lure him with a promise of peace; other times angry, in the darkest moments guilt-inducing because he has a good heart and that would work.
Every letter drowns in the sea. She cannot take him away from the ones he serves and saves. His purpose is not done, even if he deserves the shores he yearned for once upon a time.
She laughs and cries together when she hears he has been gone long enough to grow a beard.
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