Summary: Míriel uses her craft to remember what was lost.
Prompts: Míriel.
No warnings.
When Míriel takes her needle in hand, she remembers.
She remembers the first night of the world, when everything seemed so full of promise she’d have sworn she’d burst from pure hope. The stars in the sky, so bright; the leaves under her feet, so pliable, as if she could shape her path any way she chose. There was not as much time there for sitting with a needle, for there was a whole world to explore, each part wondrous as the next.
Here, there is more time. Time to listen to matters of state, to go to formal affairs where everything is dictated by new customs. Time to take her needle in hand without feeling rushed, to have Finwë by her side. He’d promised her a new world, he delivered, and he remains drunk with passion for the place he led his people.
Míriel sees the wonders that he shows her. The Trees are like stars she can touch. But she never wanted to touch the stars.
There is something missing, some lost mystery. It is ironic that she confines the things that made her free to unliving cloth, but it is better than forgetting it existed at all.
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