Summary: A young Fëanor watches Indis at his father’s betrothal dinner. Prompts: Haze, blaming Indis. No warnings.
It’s not her color.
He wants to tell everyone who’s looking at her like she’s brighter than Laurelin and Telperion together. The Mingling is overhead and yet they look at her as if she, of all people, is their new light.
Swathed in decadent fabric, she is pure radiance. No one could accuse her confident footsteps of weakness. No one could ever imagine her sick. She comes in so strong that no one could imagine her leaving. And in that gown - how could she fail to look like a mirage in the royal color that she tries to claim?
He watches the ground instead. As she walks, her feet kick up little bits of dust that get brushed under the magnificent sweep of the gown and it looks like they disappear.
He knows better, looks back. There’s a little trail she’s made, back to the entrance. It’s hard to see, but he notices where the land was displaced, where granules of ground are kicked up and out.
No one else sees. It’s like the world around him is blinded by a haze of violet and forgetfulness.
He watches the ground. His eyes are open, and he will not be trapped.
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