Summary: Glorfindel’s mother muses on the dangers of having a child destined for greatness.
Prompts: mother of Glorfindel, Fëanor as savior of Middle-Earth.
TW: Mentions of character death.
She knows it’s dangerous to have a golden boy.
A son too smart, beautiful, noticeable by the forces of evil. She is scared even before the tree that shines like his hair is destroyed.
Other mothers have had golden boys. Halyare knows the stories all too well. She knows what happened when the ships burned, and it pains her to imagine her boy’s hair shining from the flames of destruction. She knows him too well to think he would ever participate, but he was there, and the rumors fly.
Nerdanel’s golden boy bursts into flames and hers lives, hidden away but still glorious. She hears the name of his house in Gondolin and she allows herself to smile.
But the danger of golden boys catches up with him. Her son saves the ones who matter but falls to flame, just like the one who claimed himself as the savior of their people and their new land. Middle Earth fell for Fëanor and Gondolin fell no differently for Glorfindel.
Except that he is allowed to return, an emissary of light, truth, goodness. And she knows that the rules do not apply, for no other mother has a golden boy like hers.
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