Summary: Maglor muses on exile at the end of all things. Prompts: Maglor when the One Ring is destroyed, Fëanor’s exile (unjust). No warnings.
The resounding message Maglor hears everywhere is that Middle Earth is one again, as it was back at the beginning.
Their memories are far too short.
He remembers arriving on these shores, burning with vengeance and perhaps even a little freedom to be out of the exile that banished his family to Formenos. It was a world of endless possibilities for so short a time.
Eons have passed, so little has changed. He was in exile then as he is now. He remembers all too well how the Noldor split like a thrown clay pot, shattered beyond repair.
His father was never the same. He could never trust others again, even as he blamed the injustice on everyone but himself. Maglor has only stopped trusting himself, for he hides from everything but the deeds of his hands.
Maglor does not celebrate that someone stronger than him destroyed another harmful shiny object. He ponders that his brother is avenged over a dinner of wild plants and a rabbit that fell into his snare. He too has fallen into snares, but he eats the creature anyway. The world is the same as it ever was, and he will never leave his exile.
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