Summary: A new star in the sky causes young Elrond to reflect upon a new ally. Prompts: Elrond as survivor, overcoming disappointment. No warnings.
Together, they stare up at the sky, at the bright new addition that practically screams light.
Maglor presented the new star as a good thing, no matter the complexity and regardless of his own feelings. The boys in his care are children, innocents who do not deserve to be entangled.
“They really aren’t coming back,” Elrond whispers.
“No, they are not,” Maglor replies. This, there is no way to sugarcoat.
“And you…”
“Will stay here.”
Elrond looks up, bleariness in his eyes. “But the silmaril - ”
“Is beyond my reach.” The Oath tugs differently than it did, confirming his words.
“I thought they would come back,” Elrond admits, and Maglor’s throat clenches. It is not the silmaril that separated them. If Sirion were still untouched…
Maglor realizes this is the first time Elrond has let him beyond the carefully built wall a child should not know how to build.
“I will stay with you.”
“Really?” That word alone takes Maglor to his youth, the days when a promise was untainted.
“Really,” Maglor said, and although he was surprised to feel Elrond leaning into him with a tentative trust. Maglor can only hope Elrond will never have the same conversation about him.
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