Summary: Fëanor considers where his feud with Nolofinwë started.
Prompts: Blaming that weasley Fingolfin (reprise), Indis.
No warnings.
Nolofinwë spews rumors in the throne room, and Fëanor’s blood boils as he marches forward. When did Nolo get the idea that he could spark such treason?
Where did it begin? Was it the day he was born, looking like Finwë but born of Indis, an abomination that such a thing could even occur? Was it when he was called Nolofinwë by his father and Aracáno by Indis, both names slaps in the face to Finwë’s true heir?
Was it when he grew, sycophantic at every opportunity, siring sons and amassing power for himself until he dared express it openly? Or was it earlier, before he was born, when Míriel breathed her last and Indis stepped into her place?
Was it the day of Fëanor’s birth, when Míriel faded and the Valar did nothing? Was it even earlier, when the Valar lured Finwë and his people to these shores? Nolofinwë would not have the brazenness of his words now if he did not think there was a chance they would side with him, and it would not be the first time they would be wrong.
Where did it begin? Fëanor is not sure. But he knows it will end today.
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