Summary: Maedhros muses on what it’s been like to have Fëanor as a father as he leaves their life.
Prompts: Fëanor as knight in shining armor, growing up with the world watching (Fëanorians).
Warning: Major character death.
Fëanor lies on the ground before him, as he never used to do when the Trees shone as bright as the spirit flowing into the sky. It’s unnatural the way he burns so bright, yet somehow, it makes perfect sense.
When Nelyo (the name that matters now) was young, his father shone the brightest, a third Tree. He was aware that everyone had their eyes on him, but in his young mind, it had nothing to do with being Nelyafinwë. It was that Fëanor chose to shine his light on him. That was what made him special.
Fëanor’s light burns brighter than ever now, but somehow, to Nelyo, he doesn’t look like the leader his people saw. He doesn’t look fierce and strong, capable of fighting through anything. He just looks small, and getting smaller. The brightest light leaves the deepest darkness.
Nelyo doesn’t want everyone watching him as he tries to make sense of something incomprehensible. He won’t even have a body to bury, and his brothers and the army will look to him as if he is supposed to shine as bright. But he can’t shine, not here, not like this. Not with Fëanor to light the flame.
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