Summary: Celebrimbor imagines an impossible future.
Prompts: “I won’t let you define me,” imagination (purple).
No warnings.
Tyelperinquar imagined many things on the way to Endorë. Chiefly, a great battle where the enemy of the Noldor would be defeated, heralding a time of peace that could try to be like the past.
But there were too many flaws in this plan, too many cracks. Nothing could fix the mess of how they got there, the horrors afterward. Hope is scattered from the moments the embers touch the boats, from when they dissolve from his grandfather’s body, from when his father and uncles descend into chaos.
Nargothrond is home, as much as anything can be. He sees the stares, though, knowing for sure what onlookers imagine. His sword against Lúthien, his hands stained with the blood of innocents caught between him and his grandfather’s jewels. The grandson of Fëanáro, arrayed in royal purple and crimson blood.
In private, he imagines a reconciliation. The peace he once dreamed of, coming to life. His father and uncles making peace with sundered kin. He knows the lines of what they would say as much as he knows it will never happen.
“I repudiate them,” Celebrimbor says to anyone who will listen. “And all of their deeds.”
He cannot be Tyelperinquar again.
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