Summary: Fëanor rationalizes one of his sons’ name choices.
Prompts: What’s in a name? (Fëanorians).
No warnings.
Umbarto, she says, and Fëanáro winces.
How could Nerdanel choose such a name for their youngest child? True, he is small, but that will change as he grows, and his greatness will only increase with his size. Not to mention, he is already great for being a twin, something unheard of among his people. And how could any of his children achieve less than true greatness?
He holds the baby in his arms, bouncing him lightly, almost like when he’d first held Nelyo and was afraid he’d shatter in his arms. This child is smaller, but with the same red hair that drew him to Nerdanel, the same hair that certainly heralded the same fiery spirit that ran strong in his blood and all his sons.
Fëanáro only has a moment to react. He took longer to name his other children, but this is not a true naming. He needs to clarify the child’s mother-name, lest this son feel lesser than his other children. It is a fate he would wish on no one.
“Ambarto,” Fëanáro echoes, smiling down at the baby. Nerdanel purses her lips and says nothing as Fëanáro imagines his son’s bright future shining ahead of him.
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