Trinkets by Independence1776

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


A collection of unrelated drabbles and ficlets too short to post on their own. Each story has a separate rating and all are under a thousand words.

Newest story: Chapter 48: Aulë, Finarfin, and Maglor's ignored return to Aman. Crackfic. Rated General. Ficlet.

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Celebrían, Elenwë, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Elros, Fëanor, Finarfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Idril, Indis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Lúthien Tinúviel, Maedhros, Maglor, Míriel Serindë, Nellas, Nerdanel, Nienna, Oromë, Tuor, Turgon

Major Relationships:

Genre: Alternate Universe, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Horror, Humor, Slash/Femslash

Challenges: Competition, International Day of Femslash, Middle-earth Olympics, Teen Spirit

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Mild)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 48 Word Count: 12, 113
Posted on 5 July 2013 Updated on 30 September 2022

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

Elrohir goes for a sail in celebration of becoming a Loremaster. Ficlet. Rated General.

This was written for my sister several years ago.

Elros leads the first Eruhantalë. Drabble. Rated General.

Maglor and Maedhros after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Drabble. Rated Teens for language.

Written for Spiced Wine as part of a drabble meme several years ago.

Fëanor and his children + modern tech in Valinor = chaos. Crackfic. Ficlet. Rated General.

This was written several years ago for SurgicalSteel and Spiced Wine.

Elrond and Elros attempt to bake a cake for Maedhros. Ficlet. Rated General.

This was written for Idle Leaves for Fandom_Stocking 2011.

Míriel and Indis go on a picnic, and Míriel fails to catch a fish. Double drabble. Rated Teens for mild sexuality.

Written for Elleth for Fandom_Stocking 2011.

Maglor fights a monster during his wandering years. Horror. Ficlet. Rated Teens for mild violence.

Written for Elleth in the fall of 2012, using the prompt: "Walker sees the mist rise / Over no man's land."

Maglor on the modern shore. Double drabble. Rated General.

Written for Elleth for Fandom_Stocking 2012.

Nerdanel thinks about Arafinwë's return. Drabble. Rated General.

Written for Avanti_90 for Fandom_Stocking 2012.

Elrond and Elros have a snowball fight. Ficlet. Rated General.

Written for Carabas for Fandom_Stocking 2012.

Nerdanel/Indis, we found comfort in each other. Femslash. Ficlet. Rated General.

This was written for an anonymous prompter at Elleth's femslash meme.

Míriel and Indis talk about their children. Set in our “Poetry” ‘verse, so Míriel/Indis/Finwë and Nerdanel/Fëanor. Triple drabble. Rated General.

Happy Birthday, Elleth!


Written for grey_gazania's prompt: "Maglor, Indis, and music." Ficlet. Rated General.

Two Elves of Aman find a dead mortal’s boat. Ficlet. Rated Teens for language and mature themes.

Nerdanel spies something rare on the plains of Aman. Ficlet. Rated General.

Maedhros frets. Fingon calms him down. For Zeen for Fandom_Stocking 2013. Ficlet. Rated General.

Makalaurë and Findaráto leave Tirion. For Iavalir for Fandom_Stocking 2013. Ficlet. Rated General.

Makalaurë tells his mother about the house he bought. For Idleleaves for Fandom_Stocking 2013. Ficlet. Rated General.

Míriel and Indis in bed in the morning. For Elleth for Fandom_Stocking 2013. Ficlet. Rated ADULT for moderate sexuality.

Maglor, Elrond, and growing up. For Kaz for Fandom_Stocking 2013. Ficlet. Rated General.

Elrond and Elros on the night before Elros leaves for Númenor. For Carabas for Fandom_Stocking 2013. Ficlet. Rated General.

A Vanyarin adolescent’s belief differs from her parents’. Written for Legendarium Ladies April. Double drabble. Rated General.

Idril and Tuor encounter the Enchanted Isles. Written for Huinárë’s June of Doom and Gloom challenge. Ficlet. Rated Teens for mature themes.

Míriel/Indis, post-Darkening. Written for the 2014 International Day of Femslash. Drabble. Rated General.

Five ficlets written for the Trick or Treat meme on LJ: four Maglor, one Elrond. Rated General.

What it says on the tin. Set in the early Second Age. Written for Elleth for Fandom_Stocking 2014. Ficlet. Rated General.

What it says on the tin. Written for Winterwitch in Fandom_Stocking 2014. Ficlet. Rated General.

Maglor dreams about his family. Horror. Ficlet. Rated Teens.

Written for Scribe of Mirrormere for the 2015 Trick or Treat Exchange. Many thanks to Elleth for the beta.

Written for Elleth for Fandom_stocking 2015. Ficlet. Rated General.

Written for Kaz for Fandom_stocking 2015. Ficlet. Rated General.

Written for Himring in the Fandom_stocking 2015. Ficlet. Rated General.

Written for Wavesinger in the Fandom_stocking 2015. Ficlet. Rated General.

What it says on the tin. Drabble, rated General.

Written for Scribe of Mirrormere for FandomGiftbox 2016.

Maglor and Maedhros talk about the Prophecy of the North. This was written for Tic_Tac_Woe, the apocalypse mini-bingo community on Dreamwidth, for the prompt "Prophecy of Doom." Ficlet; rated Teens for mature themes.

Maglor after the War of Wrath. This was written for Tic_Tac_Woe, the apocalypse mini-bingo community on Dreamwidth, for the prompt "Wizards’ War/War of the Gods." Triple drabble; rated Teens for mature themes.

Nienna and unending grief. This was written for Tic_Tac_Woe, the apocalypse mini-bingo community on Dreamwidth, for the prompt "War Without End." Triple drabble; rated Teens for mature themes.

For Silm40. Maglor and the Noldolantë.

For Silm40. JRR Tolkien begins the Silmarillion.

Celebrían looked up from her early morning cup of tea at her husband, who stood bare-chested by the window. She'd chosen the house deliberately for its view of the water, but the view inside at the moment was just as lovely.

Many thanks to Ysilme for the beta.

Written for Grundy for Innumerable Stars 2017. Rated General. Ficlet.

Written for Snowflake Challenge 2017 Day 12 and inspired by some meta about Elrond and Maglor I wrote for Day 8. Drabble-and-a-half, mildly AU, rated General.

Written for Grundyscribbling for a hurt/comfort prompt on Tumblr: Turgon/Elenwe and “Hey, just look at me. Breathe.” Drabble, rated General. AU.

Elrond and Celebrían supervise a fire-starting contest for their young twin sons. Triple drabble, rated General.

This was written for the Competition/May 2018 SWG Challenge. It's loosely inspired by Elnur & Samir’s “Day After Day,” specifically the line, “The earth is in flame and you must share the blame.”

Maglor on the night before an important event. Ficlet, rated General.

Written for the Teen Spirit challenge, with the prompt "exams."

Maglor and the Sea. Rated General.

This was written for the "the night is time for…" prompt for SWG's 13th Birthday Instadrabbling. It's not properly a drabble; it's slightly too long.

This was written for Teitho's November/December 2019 challenge "cold." It came in third.

Daisy Gardner tells an Elf to get off her lawn. Rated General. Ficlet.

Estel, Elrond, and drowned Gondolin. Rated General. Ficlet.

This was written for the Boccia team challenge; Daughterofshadows of Team Rivendell gave me the surprise prompt of Aragorn asking to visit Gondolin.

Aulë, Finarfin, and Maglor's ignored return to Aman. Crackfic. Rated General. Ficlet.

This ficlet was inspired by this Tumblr post.

Comments on Trinkets

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I know I already replied to you, but it would only be fair to do that in public as well - this ficlet is so wonderful, Indy, thank you. I love literally everything about this - Indis and Míriel and their love for each other and their family - and the prospect of Nerdanel joining them, and just the fact that they all exist and get along - it's the best of both worlds, really, and, well. I'm glad the Poetry 'verse exists, and this is such a lovely gift - thank you again.

That's an awesome passage to expand upon.  The Akallabêth has been in my mind today too, so I snapped this one up right away.

I guess Elves probably would end up finding their bodies, wouldn't they? And they would probably speculate and debate about it, as your OCs are doing. I love vignettes that explore obscure/overlooked points of the Legendarium, especially ones with darker themes.  This is great!

Thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. I can't really see the Valar getting their hands dirty, and the Maiar I don't think would have any reason to be on the shore. So it would have to be the Elves.

It is an interesting passage. I'm guessing that it's supposed to be something Bermuda Triangle-esque with no actual knowledge of what happened, but it also seems that Tolkien may have intentioned that it actually did happen. There's no way to know, of course, but it's one of those things that does have darker undertones under the "it's a reward!" surface-- and the darkness is the reason I wanted to write it. (And post it right before Halloween.)

That is so totally creepy! Great little story for Halloween. Shit! I could just see blundering into the straight way and getting offed. It could be worse. The valar could sue me. Good thing I am not doing any sailing these days, I have had a run of bad luck for the last few years.

That quotation is a perfect, perfect example of "if that is the Valar's favor, I pass!"

Awesome! I was going for creepy! (I thought I ended up near "sad" so to hear otherwise thrilled me.) And guilty as charged for being a Halloween story.

"The Valar could sue me" made me laugh.

It absolutely is. One of those things where I can see Tolkien's probable viewpoint and rather disagree that it's a good thing.

You're right, I don't think I've ever seen this particular line handled in fanfic either. Of course, it's a sort of despressing thought, no matter how poetic the Akallabêth makes it sound. Ilarwa raises a lot of good points...

That said, I enjoyed this very much. So far, I've more or less read this line as part of the grim fate of Númenor, never giving any thought to what it means in practical application. Now I'll probably never be able to read it without goosebumps and a twinge in my stomach - thanks to your story!

Heee! I'm not a fan of unicorns, but I still thought this was quite a neat little encounter. And sitting down to sketch them for a future project sounds just like what Nerdanel would do!
I love what you make out of these little throwaway lines. (Of course, the people who'll raise a fuss about "Mary Sues" on unicorns would probably object to mammoths or even zebras, too...)

Thanks! It's not an idea I take particularly seriously either, but the scene entered my head and wouldn't leave. (And that apart from the point I wanted to make.) What can you do? :P Thank you! It's the throwaway lines that are sometimes the most intriguing. Ooh, yes, you're right. I didn't even think about mundane animals they'd object to. (I'm now determined to put zebras in a post-Darkening pre-Eärendil Valinor fic I'd like to write next year.)

That's my preference, too. It's the sheer vitriol directed at the latter when their authors are just having fun that bothers me. (Unicorns are one of those things that aren't really canon, but this line could be used to justify their presence. Twisting something like that is something I occasionally enjoy doing.)

Oooooh. I'm so glad I finally got around to reading this - I love the more natural approach to the Valar where they become manifest in nature and their chosen areas rather than in institutionalized worship so to speak - this is simply gorgeous, Indy!

Thank you! I honestly wasn't sure if it would be too hopeful or light to "count." So I'm thrilled you like it. I actually like the "reached Valinor safely" scenario-- but I think it happened after they woke up from this sleep/stasis thing. That way, it doesn't interfere with Eärendil's voyage/specialness.