Trinkets by Independence1776

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Maglor and the Sea. Rated General.

This was written for the "the night is time for…" prompt for SWG's 13th Birthday Instadrabbling. It's not properly a drabble; it's slightly too long.

The night was time for silence. Maglor liked the quiet in the early morning, before the birds woke. But it was never truly quiet: there was always, always the Sea. Sometimes he was near it, and he was able to live side by side with it in a truce. Other times, when he'd wandered inland, the Sea entered his dreams and never left him in peace. He would toss and turn, hear it in his waking hours. It was never, ever the Silmaril; that had not troubled him since he'd thrown it. It was the Sea itself, calling him, uncaring he could never sail across it to go home.

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