Chapter 43
Maglor on the night before an important event. Ficlet, rated General.
Written for the Teen Spirit challenge, with the prompt "exams."
I stared down at my music, the notes swimming on the page. After so long studying them, singing them, measures over and over, the song sung so many times I heard it in my dreams, they were flat, lifeless, a mess. If I couldn’t perform tomorrow, my life was ruined. I would be an embarrassment to the House of Finwë, never to show my face in public again.
The door to my room opened after a soft knock. “Makalaurë, sweetie, I brought you some tea.” Mother put the cup and saucer down on my desk and gathered up the sheet music from the stand, putting it on the corner of my desk. “I think you should rest--”
She put a calloused finger on my lips. “Right now, what you need most is sleep. The music will be there in the morning. You have enough time before we have to leave for your exam to run through it again two or three times.”
“You don’t understand!”
"Of course I don’t. This is your exam and while we all may have gone through similar things, we aren’t you. But I do know what helps: a cup of tea, a good night’s rest, and something to eat in the morning. You know your music, Makalaurë. Even if you end up not sleeping, a break from it will help.” She picked up the cup of tea and put it in my hands. “Trust me.”
She kissed my temple and left my room, closing the door behind her. I looked down at the sheet music and turned my back on it. Right now, I would drink the tea. And then I would think about taking the rest of her advice.
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